


Akemi Tanahashi
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Oct 6, 2014
Controlling the sensation of time with 'buri'
Today, we will introduce the meanings and proper use of suffix u3076u308a, which comes after a noun that shows a certain length of time.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Sep 29, 2014
Powering through space, time and bad jokes with 'bakari'
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the particle u3070u304bu308a, the colloquially emphasized form of which is u3070u3063u304bu308a.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Sep 22, 2014
Kyatchibōru-ni tekitō-na basho-wa nai-ka-nā
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the na-adjective u9069u5f53uff08u3066u304du3068u3046uff09u306a (adequate).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Sep 8, 2014
Natsuyasumi-chū, hitotsu-mo jiko-ga nakatta
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the suffix uff5eu4e2duff08u3061u3085u3046uff0fu3058u3085u3046uff09 meaning 'in.'
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Sep 1, 2014
Saifu-ni sen-en shika nai
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the particle u3057u304b (only).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Aug 25, 2014
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the adjective u3044u3044 (good).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Aug 18, 2014
Sonna-ni kataku naranaide-kudasai
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the adjective u304bu305fu3044 uff08hard/stiff/stable, etc.uff09.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Aug 11, 2014
Zenzen yoku-nai.
Today, we will introduce the meanings and usage of the adverb u5168u7136 uff08u305cu3093u305cu3093/ neveruff09.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Aug 4, 2014
Boku-ga kōchō-dattara
Today, we will introduce how to express a fantasy, using the subjunctive mood (if-sentence).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jul 28, 2014
Genki-wo dashite!
Today we will introduce various meanings and usages of the transitive verb u51fauff08u3060uff09u3059 (to take something out).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jul 21, 2014
Nani-ga sonnani okashii-no-kashira?
Today, we will introduce the adjective u304au304bu3057u3044 (funny/strange), and compare it with another adjective u304au3082u3057u308du3044 (funny/interesting).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jul 14, 2014
Mata kutsushita-ga nugippanashi!
Today, we will introduce the expression X(verb)u3063u3071u306au3057, comparing the expression X(verb)u307eu307e.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jul 7, 2014
Otoko-rashī hito-ga taipu-na-no-ne.
Today we will introduce some expressions that describe the behaviors, physical features or attributes that characterize a person and X(noun)u3089u3057u3044Y(noun) is one of these expressions, as in Ms. Tamachi's u7537uff08u304au3068u3053uff09u3089u3057u3044u4ebauff08u3072u3068uff09( a manly person) in Situation 1, or as in u5148u751fuff08u305bu3093u305bu3044uff09u3089u3057u3044u614bu5ea6uff08u305fu3044u3069uff09(The attitude that is appropriate for a teacher to take).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jun 29, 2014
Kodomo-tachi-ga kono eiga-wo mitagatte-iru-no
Today, we will introduce the use of u304cu308b/u305fu304cu308b, which shows a person's desire or feeling.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jun 22, 2014
Today, we will introduce some usages of u306au308bu307bu3069 and u305fu3057u304bu306b, which are used as u3042u3044u3065u3061.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jun 15, 2014
Kono-mise-no nedan-wa yasuku-nai-to omou-nā
This week, we will introduce the meaning and proper use of the negative expression and past tense of X u3068u601du3046.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jun 1, 2014
Watashi-wa Gray-san-no an-ga ii-to omoimasu
Today, we introduce the proper usage of u601duff08u304au3082uff09u3046 and u601du3063u3066u3044u308b, which both mean 'think.' There are some points to consider when using the verb of thought, u601du3046.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
May 25, 2014
Kenkō-no tame-ni jogingu-wo yatte-ita-n-da-kedo, kaette hiza-ga itaku-natchatte-ne
Today, we will introduce the proper use of the adverb u304bu3048u3063u3066, which means 'on the contrary' or 'rather' and is used when a result is contrary to one's expectation.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
May 18, 2014
Kurarinetto-toka furūto-toka naratte-mitai-to omotte-iru-n-da
Today, we will introduce some usages of u3068u304b, which lists examples. Xu3068u304bYu3068u304b is used to show similar examples, and is almost the same in the meaning of Xu3084Yu306au3069.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
May 11, 2014
Kinō, Aria-to-iu resutoran-ni itta-n-da.
Today, we will introduce the proper use of Xu3068u3044u3046Y and Xu3068u304bu3044u3046Y. X(noun)u3068u3044u3046 Y (noun) means that Y is known as X, and is used when the speaker thinks that the listener doesn't know about X or when both the speaker and the listener don't know it very well. X is the topic word, and Y is the category of X.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan