


Akemi Tanahashi
Japan Times
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
May 9, 2016
Getting on the receiving end of the wide world of 'ukeru'
Ryōshin-no eikyō-o ukete, musuko-mo rokku-ga suki-ni natchatta-mitai. (My son was influenced by his parents and has come to like rock, I guess.)
Japan Times
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
May 2, 2016
Getting abstract in Japanese with 'koto' clauses
A look at X(noun modifier)u3053u3068, which forms noun clauses, and how it differs from Xu306e.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Apr 25, 2016
Using the 'no' clause in Japanese to add layers to your language
Introduce the proper way of using u306e to make a clause that can be used like a noun within a sentence.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Apr 18, 2016
Overdoing it and feeling the effects with 'amari'
A look at the use of u3042u307eu308a in affirmative sentences, in the patterns u3042u307eu308au306b(u3082) and u3042u307eu308au306eX.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Apr 11, 2016
Emphasizing not very much with 'amari' and 'taishite'
Introducing two adverbs — u3042u307eu308aand u5927(u305fu3044)u3057u3066 — that pair with u306au3044 to mean 'not very much.'
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Apr 4, 2016
Minding your manners and judging others' with 'shitsurei'
Introducing some ways of using u5931u793c (u3057u3064u308cu3044), meaning 'impoliteness.'
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Mar 28, 2016
Learning the ins and outs of even-ifs using 'ni shiro'
Introducing the meaning and uses of uff5eu306bu3057u308d (even if), which is a more formal version of uff5e u306bu3057u3066u3082.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Mar 21, 2016
A certain ratio: the relative strengths of wariai, wari to and wari ni
Introducing the meaning and adverbial uses of the noun u5272u5408 (u308fu308au3042u3044, ratio).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Mar 14, 2016
Breathing a sigh of relief with tokoro datta
Introducing the patterns Xu3068u3053u308du3060u3063u305f and Xu306fu305au3060u3063u305f, which indicate what might have happened but in fact didn't.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Mar 7, 2016
Don't miss an opportunity when kikkake comes knocking
Introducing u304du3063u304bu3051, which identifies a clue, trigger, motivation or cause to start something.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 29, 2016
Ramming home the point with dokoro ka
Introducing the meaning and usage of the particle of emphasis u3069u3053u308du304b and its related expressions.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 22, 2016
Seeing the other side and defying expectations with 'han shite'
Today we will introduce the meaning and usage of the adverbial phrases Xu306bu53cd(u306fu3093)u3057u3066 (contrary to X) and Xu53cdu9762(u306fu3093u3081u3093) (on the contrary), which are mainly used in written language, formal speech, lectures or when talking about a rather serious theme. In the pattern X(noun/noun phrase)u306bu53cdu3057u3066Y(clause), X is usually a word like u4e88u60f3 (u3088u305du3046, anticipation), u671fu5f85 (u304du305fu3044, expectation), u4e88u6e2c (u3088u305du304f, prediction), u610fu5fd7 (u3044u3057, will) or u610fu601d (u3044u3057, intention), u6cd5u5f8b (u307bu3046u308au3064, law) or u30ebu30fcu30eb (rule), and Y is the result or fact that betrays the content of X. In Ms. Yamani's sentence in Situation 1, X is her and her staff's expectation that their product would sell better and Y is the fact that it is not. Its noun-modifying form is uff5eu306bu53cdu3057u305f, as in u5e38u8b58(u3058u3087u3046u3057u304d)u306bu53cdu3057u305fu884cu52d5(u3053u3046u3069u3046) (an action that defies common sense).
Japan Times
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 15, 2016
Since we've come this far, it's time for 'kara ni wa'
Introducing X (phrase) u304bu3089u306bu306f/u304bu3089u3068u3044u3063u3066Y (clause).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 8, 2016
Living up to great expectations with 'dake atte'
Introducing the meaning and usage of Xu3060u3051u3042u3063u3066Y.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 1, 2016
Taking a stand and speaking from it with 'to shite'
Introducing various usages of the phrase Xu3068u3057u3066 (as/being X).
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jan 25, 2016
Just passing through the domains of 'tori' and 'dori'
Introducing various meanings and uses of u901a(u3068u304a)u308a, the nominalized form of the verb u901au308b (to pass by/go through).
Japan Times
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jan 18, 2016
Loving you for a long time with 'zutto'
Introducing various meanings and ways of using the adverb u305au3063u3068, which expresses greatness.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jan 11, 2016
Kakawarazu: a word worth knowing, whatever your level
Introducing phrases using u304bu304bu308fu3089u305a (nevertheless), which crops up in written, formal or bookish language.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Jan 4, 2016
When it really means a lot, say it with 'sekkaku'
Introducing the adverb u305bu3063u304bu304f, which is used in a variety of ways to express the speaker's feelings about things.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Dec 28, 2015
Unraveling 'so,' a versatile word that can express agreement or a 'Eureka!' moment
Introducing u305du3046 — its proper use and related expressions.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan