


Anders Aslund
People line up to use an ATM  in the separatist-controlled city of Donetsk, Ukraine, days after Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized the full-scale invasion of the country in February 2022. Western financial sanctions have weighed on the Russian ruble, which has sunk from 34 to the dollar in 2013 to around 100 today.
Jan 27, 2025
Putin’s war is fueling Russian stagflation
For a normal country, a budget deficit of 2% of GDP would be of no concern. But Russia is not a normal country.
A funeral is held for Russian military personnel and civilians killed in the war with Ukraine, at a cemetery in Luhansk, in Russian-controlled Ukraine, in May 2023. The U.S. estimates that 120,000 Russian soldiers have been killed and another 180,000 injured, further worsening the nation's manpower shortages and economic output.
Oct 4, 2024
The Russian war economy’s days are numbered
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cronies boast that the sanctions make Russia stronger, but they incessantly call for all restrictions to be lifted.
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris meets with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a summit seeking peace in Ukraine, in Stansstad, Switzerland, on June 15.
Aug 25, 2024
Kamala Harris must correct America's Ukraine policy
The war in Ukraine could be a boon for Harris, but she must correct Biden’s mistakes and provide the additional resources Ukraine needs to defeat Russia.
Though the West has supplied desperately needed weapons and ammunition, it has done little else to address Ukraine’s needs or establish shared goals.
May 22, 2024
The war in Ukraine needs a stronger unified Western strategy
Though the West has supplied desperately needed weapons and ammunition, it has done little else to address Ukraine’s needs.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2023
Preparing for Ukraine’s reconstruction
With the estimated cost of Ukraine’s postwar recovery reaching hundreds of billions of dollars, Western governments must develop a cohesive and unified strategy.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2023
Putin cronies and criminals gear up to steal Russia
Owing to Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and the West’s response, hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of assets are up for grabs in Russia.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2022
How to win friends and drain Russia’s war machine
By establishing a buyers' cartel to impose a price cap on Russian crude, the West could achieve its goal of defunding Russia's war machine.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2022
Vladimir Putin’s failed state, a disaster of his own making
So great is Putin's Ukraine blunder that he may now have rendered Russia a failed state — a political or economic system that has become so weak that the government is no longer in control.
Japan Times
Dec 19, 2021
Putin’s Ukraine saber-rattling and a last gasp
With Russia's economy faltering, Vladimir Putin may be seeking a military victory to turn around his tanking political fortunes.
Japan Times
Dec 8, 2021
Confronting the Kremlin’s new hybrid war in Europe
Russia's recent aggressive moves have multiple objectives. But the Kremlin's greatest desire is to divide and weaken the European Union.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2021
The case for stronger Russia sanctions
The Crimea sanctions have had the intended economic effect. Whereas Central and Eastern Europe's GDP has grown by 3% to 5% per year since 2014, Russia's has stagnated.
Japan Times
Jul 21, 2021
Putin’s dangerous Ukraine narrative
Make no mistake: by denying Ukraine's right to independence, Putin is setting the stage for war. The West must quickly decide what it is willing to do to prevent it.
Japan Times
May 16, 2021
Russia’s bear economy
Lacking secure property rights and being subject to Western sanctions, Russia can attract only fools and crooks.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2021
Putin's Potemkin empire
Putin's Russia is shakier than most believe.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2020
China should join the Paris Club
The problem is that China, the largest sovereign lender in the world, is not a member, because other leading creditors complain that its loans and lending conditions are not transparent.
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2017
Russia's oligarchs-in-waiting
As the better-known children of Russia's previous generation of oligarchs have steadily left the country, the offspring of Vladimir Putin's cronies have taken their place.
Japan Times
May 4, 2017
Russia's neo-feudal capitalism
Russian President Vladimir Putin's model of crony capitalism poses a genuine threat to social and political stability.
Dec 14, 2015
Putin's newfound prudence
Russia's economic stagnation confronts President Vladimir Putin with a challenge he has never faced: leading the country at a time when there is no light visible at the end of the tunnel.
Jul 13, 2015
Russia's war on Ukraine's economy
Ukraine's primary economic challenges are not homegrown; they are the result of Russian aggression.
Oct 2, 2013
European voters wise to back austerity
Contrary to what most of the loud media commentary would have us believe, financial 'austerity' or fiscal responsibility appears popular. Angela Merkel's success is proof.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties