


Achim Steiner
Japan Times
Feb 18, 2022
Investments in health systems will protect human security now, and into the future
COVID-19 has exposed the deep inequities and weaknesses in the global health system.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2021
Myanmar’s young demand their future
In 1950, Myanmar's per capita income was higher than that of Malaysia or Thailand. Military rule turned it from one of the most promising economies in Asia into one of its worst performers.
Japan Times
Dec 4, 2020
COVID-19: Nobody is safe until everyone is safe
A recent study projected that unequal global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines could cost the world economy up to $1.2 trillion.
Sep 4, 2019
How to stop deadly outbreaks of diseases like Ebola — before they occur
Five years ago, an Ebola outbreak ripped through West Africa, killing over 11,000 people. During the 2014 outbreak, no effective vaccines or treatments were available while the international community's response was often perceived as too reactive.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy / TICAD 7 Special
Aug 27, 2019
Stimulating sustainable development in Africa
Japan Times
Mar 5, 2018
Making the business case to achieve comprehensive gender equality
Gender parity is both an economic and a moral imperative.
Mar 29, 2016
Now is the time to fast-track climate action
With governments preparing to sign the Paris agreement on April 22, there has never been a better opportunity to press ahead toward a brighter, cleaner, more prosperous future.
Aug 8, 2008
Green efforts before Games deserve praise
BEIJING — Images of the Beijing skyline seemingly bathed in a soup of smog and haze have been a common sight on the world's TV screens in recent days and weeks. Foreign journalists with hand-held air pollution detectors have been popping up on street corners checking levels of soot and dust. Everyone...
May 29, 2008
Use nature's bounty to ensure our survival
BONN — Farmers across Africa are engaged in an unequal struggle against a pestilent fruit fly whose natural home is in Asia. The fly, first detected in 2004 in Mombasa on the Kenyan coast, has since swept across the continent, decimating mangoes and other crops and devastating livelihoods.


Tokyo Koon stands at the forefront of tackling the so-called 2025 issue, also known as the “Magnetic Tape Alert.”
The race to save 20th-century history