




Jesse Johnson
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 11, 2023
U.K.-Japan defense cooperation to intensify following landmark agreement
The deal is Tokyo's first such pact with a European nation and the country's third overall as it expands its number of global security partners.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2023
MSDF destroyer unable to navigate after apparently hitting rock
Live video broadcast by NHK showed the destroyer as crew members at the back of the vessel apparently attempted to sop up oil that had leaked from the ship.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2023
What to expect from North Korea in 2023
After a record-breaking year of missile launches, the new year could prove even more explosive as Kim Jong Un looks to build more advanced missiles and nuclear bombs.
Japan Times
Jan 9, 2023
China conducts large-scale joint 'combat' drill around Taiwan
China sent a contingent of 57 warplanes around Taiwan in the 24 hours through Monday morning, just days after new U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, an avowed China hawk, took up his post.
Japan Times
Dec 31, 2022
North Korea launches three ballistic missiles on final day of year
The nuclear-armed North has launched nearly 70 missiles this year, shattering its previous record in its quest to bolster its arsenal.
Japan Times
Dec 30, 2022
Chinese fighter jet came within three meters of U.S. spy plane
The U.S. military said the latest incident over the South China Sea reflects 'a concerning trend of unsafe and dangerous' intercepts by China's People's Liberation Army.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2022
North Korea fires off two ballistic missiles as flurry of launches continues
Friday's launch comes after the North fired off two missiles on Sunday — what it later termed as a test for the development of a spy satellite that it plans to complete by next April.
Japan Times
Dec 19, 2022
North Korea to finish preparations for spy satellite by April
Pyongyang claimed to have conducted “an important final-stage test” for the development of the satellite, one of leader Kim Jong Un's key goals for bolstering his arsenal.
Japan Times
Dec 18, 2022
North Korea fires two medium-range missiles into Sea of Japan
The launches came just days after Japan committed to acquiring a 'counterstrike capability' that would allow it to strike enemy bases and command sites — including inside North Korea.
Japan Times
Dec 17, 2022
U.S. hails Japan's new security strategy as China lashes out over moves
Washington called Tokyo's revision of key security documents a 'bold and historic step,' while Beijing urged Japan to refrain from hyping the 'China threat.'
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2022
Japan approves major defense overhaul in dramatic policy shift
The government passed revisions to three key security documents that outline a tough new stance on China and pave the way for Tokyo's acquisition of a 'counterstrike capability.'
Japan Times
Dec 7, 2022
With revisions to key security documents, pacifist Japan set to blaze a new trail
Upcoming changes could usher in dramatic shifts in the country's defense-oriented policy amid what Tokyo calls an 'increasingly severe security environment.'
Japan Times
Dec 6, 2022
Kishida seeks to hike defense spending by more than 50% over five years
The new budget would put Japan closer to the target Kishida ordered last week of spending 2% of gross domestic product on defense by 2027.
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2022
Japan eyes buying up to 500 Tomahawk missiles from U.S., report says
U.S. President Joe Biden reportedly indicated that Japan was “a high priority” buyer for the weapons and emphasized his intention to steadily proceed with the possible sale.
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2022
China could triple nuke arsenal, Pentagon says in report spotlighting submarine capabilities
In an annual report that also spotlighted Beijing's designs on Taiwan, the U.S. Defense Department said it expected China could have 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035.
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2022
In major shift, Kishida sets defense spending target at 2% of GDP for first time
Japan has long maintained an informal cap on defense spending of around 1% of GDP, but calls for an increase have grown amid escalating threats from China and North Korea.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2022
North Korea's Kim has revealed he has a daughter. Why now?
The first public appearance of an heir to the isolated country's leader may offer clues into plans for his regime and its nuclear arsenal.
Japan Times
Nov 19, 2022
North Korea, vowing to counter threats with nukes, says test was of new ICBM
Pyongyang said the Hwasong-17 ICBM launch was part of its 'top-priority defence-building strategy,' with the North labeling the missile 'the strongest strategic weapon in the world.'
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2022
Kishida says North Korean ICBM fell into Japan EEZ off Hokkaido
The suspected intercontinental ballistic missile was believed to have fallen into waters 210 kilometers off Hokkaido.
Japan Times
Nov 16, 2022
Trump's fresh White House bid to reverberate in Japan
Japan's ability to muddle through Trump's term is often attributed to Shinzo Abe, but his assassination earlier this year means there are likely few “Trump whisperers” left in Tokyo.


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