


Kofi A. Annan
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2018
How information technology poses a threat to democracy
Social media could be just the start of a slippery slope leading to an Orwellian world controlled by Big Data Brother, accelerated by convergence with the sensors in our devices and rapid advances in artificial intelligence.
Nov 10, 2006
Climate change to test our adaptability
NEW YORK -- If there was any remaining doubt about the urgent need to combat climate change, two reports issued last week should make the world sit up and take notice.
Jun 11, 2006
Ready for global discussion on migrants
NEW YORK -- Ever since national frontiers were invented, people have been crossing them -- not just to visit foreign countries, but to live and work there. In doing so, they have almost always taken risks, driven by a determination to overcome adversity and to live a better life.
Mar 22, 2002
Invest in the world's future
In rural areas of Bangladesh, most girls marry at a very young age -- not because they wish to, but because their families cannot afford to send them to school.
Mar 17, 2001
An opportunity for the world's poorest
Roughly one-fifth of the world's population currently lives -- or tries to -- on less than $1 a day. That is a crude measure, but it translates into a daily grind of hunger, misery and disease that no human being should have to endure.
Dec 16, 2000
Africa's growing thirst for democracy
There is a saying among my people in Ghana: one head alone is not enough to decide. I often think of that when I hear people say that democracy is alien to Africa, or that Africans are "not ready" for democracy.
Jul 29, 2000
Teaming up to make globalization work
This week, at United Nations headquarters in New York, we have made a bit of history. Global leaders from the worlds of business, labor and civil society came together to forge a new coalition in support of universal values. Why is that necessary?
Mar 8, 2000
Educating girls means better lives for all
Shalina is a Bangladeshi girl who is about to finish school. But for Shalina, there will be no pre-exam jitters, no university applications, no diplomas, no career plans. There will not even be a graduation. Shalina is 13, and she is about to join 73 million school-age girls around the world who are...
Dec 1, 1999
'Trade is better than aid'
In one month's time, we shall leave the 20th century behind. The first half of it saw the world almost destroyed by war -- partly as a result of its division into rival trade blocs. The second half has seen an unprecedented expansion of world trade, which has also brought unprecedented economic growth....


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly