


Farhan Bokhari
Jan 8, 2003
International role critical to Indo-Pakistani peace
ISLAMABAD -- "If Indian troops moved a single step across the international border, or Line of Control, they should not expect a conventional war from Pakistan." These remarks by Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf were a chilling reminder of the threat to peace posed by volatile Indo-Pakistani...
Dec 24, 2002
The Iranian nuclear threat
ISLAMABAD -- New claims by the Bush administration that draw attention to Iran's covert nuclear program are certain to intensify security concerns surrounding the oil-rich Middle East.
Dec 11, 2002
Pakistan's nuclear promises
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's new prime minister, Zafarullah Khan Jamali, has begun his tenure with renewed promises that the country's nuclear weapons will remain in safe hands.
Dec 1, 2002
Accusations put Pakistan on defensive
ISLAMABAD -- Weeks of adverse publicity surrounding the alleged exchange of Pakistan's nuclear knowhow for North Korea's missile technology has a familiar ring for South Asia's second-largest country. Many of the latest allegations have emerged from American newspaper sources. Although U.S. Secretary...
Nov 16, 2002
Chance for India, Pakistan after the polls
ISLAMABAD -- With elections in Pakistan and Indian-administered Kashmir out of the way, South Asia's two nuclear-armed neighbors have an opportunity to embark on a new peace initiative.
Sep 15, 2002
Weaning Afghanistan off militarization
ISLAMABAD -- The U.N. secretary general's special representative for Afghanistan, Lakhdar Brahimi, could not have chosen a more precise way to underline Afghanistan's predicament. During his latest trip to the central Asian country, he favored spending more on reconstruction and development work to rebuild...
Sep 2, 2002
U.S. role critical in Indo-Pakistani dispute
ISLAMABAD -- Renewed Indo-Pakistani conflict in Kashmir, just before U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage's August visit to the region, demonstrated how close to war South Asia's two nuclear rivals remain.
Aug 19, 2002
Pakistan must modernize as a nation state
ISLAMABAD -- Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's military ruler, is eager to lament the breakdown of past Pakistani governments in justifying his own assumption of wide-ranging political authority ahead of elections in October.
Jul 28, 2002
Land-mine removal cannot be put off
ISLAMABAD -- A bus driving along a quiet road in central Afghanistan earlier this month suddenly drove over the country's worst killer. A loud explosion could be heard across the surrounding neighborhoods as the bus was ripped apart, leaving 13 people dead and another six badly injured.
Jul 23, 2002
Musharraf challenged on several fronts
ISLAMABAD -- In its eagerness to intensify its fight against domestic terrorism, the government of Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has scored important gains recently.
Jul 6, 2002
Pakistan's pressing diplomatic challenges
ISLAMABAD -- With thousands of Indian and Pakistani troops on high alert facing each other across front lines and global concern over the confrontation between the two nuclear-armed neighbors remaining high, Pakistan faces the challenge of revitalizing its foreign policy.
Jun 29, 2002
The challenge that awaits Afghanistan
ISLAMABAD -- Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's president, is clearly eager to claim that his newly installed government rests on a stable foundation.
Jun 23, 2002
Pakistan's nuclear safety faces scrutiny
ISLAMABAD -- The arrest of the alleged "dirty bomber" in the United States last month once again is a reminder of the dangers posed by unchecked dissemination of nuclear knowledge, especially when it is dropped into the hands of militant individuals. That Jose Padilla, alias Abdullah al-Muhajir, would...
Jun 12, 2002
Focus on military power overlooks crucial issues
ISLAMABAD -- Months of rising friction followed by recent signs of an easing of tensions between India and Pakistan have sent analysts scrambling for fresh assessments of the military balance between South Asia's two nuclear powers.
Jun 1, 2002
Crisis threatens Pakistan's recent gains
ISLAMABAD -- The regime of Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf is eager to find a way out of the military standoff with India, knowing full well that a war between the two nuclear-armed neighbors could easily erase the few gains the country has made in the past six months.
May 20, 2002
Musharraf must bring growth, security
ISLAMABAD -- The suicide bomber in Karachi, Pakistan's southern port city, who killed 11 French citizens in broad daylight, could not have found a more opportune moment to strike against the government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. The general has spent the past few months trying to convince skeptics of...
May 10, 2002
Uncertainty shadows Musharraf's regime
ISLAMABAD -- Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's military ruler, has consolidated his rule with a controversial national referendum seeking a five-year term, but questions central to security interests in South Asia linger over the outlook for his nuclear-armed country.
Apr 28, 2002
Can Musharraf stabilize what he wins?
ISLAMABAD -- Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's military ruler, is set to position himself for a five-year term following Tuesday's referendum, but questions are mounting over his ability to give much needed stability to South Asia's second-largest country. Pakistan remains under the global spotlight...
Apr 14, 2002
Mideast legacy could spread militancy
ISLAMABAD -- When terrorists struck the United States last September, many people were keen to downplay suggestions that the attack on the World Trade center had grown out of the anger generated by Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.
Apr 3, 2002
Security challenges mount
ISLAMABAD -- A courtroom in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi now becomes the center of international media attention with the start of the trial for last month's brutal slaying of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl. The trial speaks volumes about the country's emerging and intense internal-security...


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