


Bronwyn Mahoney
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2015
Noda's 'Egg' scrambles understanding
After his acclaimed French debut last year with "The Bee," news of Hideki Noda's return to the Theatre National de Chaillot in central Paris with his pop-war-and-Olympian extravaganza "Egg" created quite a buzz of anticipation.
Oct 15, 2014
'Polygraph' blurs realities in a dark blend of blood and beauty
The 1980s murder at the center of "Le Polygraphe" echoes that of an actress in the Canadian city of Quebec — a killing for which the chief suspect for a time was the renowned Quebecois dramatist Robert Lepage, who cowrote the play in 1987 with actress, author and theater director Marie Brassard. Postmodern...
Jul 16, 2014
Parisians hail beauty of Nomura's oeil de boeuf
Mansai Nomura’s recent staging of “Macbeth” at the Maison de la culture du Japon in Paris drew a varied and enthusiastic audience.
Japan Times
May 21, 2014
'The Bee' stings Paris audience
With its title "The Bee," this work co-written in 2006 by leading dramatist Hideki Noda and Irish playwright Colin Teevan immediately brought to mind Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" and the ghastly, unbidden and unexplained changes to which the protgonist of that seminal novella is subjected.
Mar 5, 2014
Noh meets opera in a blend of high cultures
Bringing together the codified and traditional worlds of Japanese noh theater and European opera seems impossible. Such ostensibly different histories, sounds and visuals: How could it work?
Japan Times
Dec 18, 2013
Miura's sex 'Whirlpool' wows a bashful Paris
Looking around before "Ai no Uzu" began, there was an almost palpable anticipation ahead of our plunge into the realm of young Japanese people's sex lives. What to talk about while waiting for the orgy to begin?
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2013
Tears shed for puppets in the City of Love
Japanese photographer/artist Hiroshi Sugimoto is inescapable in Paris just now, with posters all over the Metro for his "Accelerated Buddha" exhibition at the Fondation Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent and "Sugimoto Bunraku: Sonezaki Shinju" ("The Love Suicides at Sonezaki") at the Théâtre de la Ville...
Japan Times
Jun 9, 2013
Japan's Gutai artists celebrated like never before
"Do what no one has done before," was the rallying cry that Jiro Yoshihara, founder of the postwar Japanese art group the Gutai Art Association, demanded of his fellow members.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly