


David A. Fahrenthold
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2013
House GOP has little to show while forcing one crisis after another
There was so much more they wanted to do.
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Oct 2, 2013
Founding Fathers having big say — with a little help
Early last Wednesday, Republican Sen. Mike Lee rose in the Senate to recite a quotation from George Washington. It was, Lee said, Washington's own account of his last day as president in 1797.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 26, 2013
U.S. government not shrinking fast
After 2½ years of budget battles, the U.S. federal government is on pace this year to spend $3.455 trillion.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2013
Grahams shepherded Post through tumultuous eight decades
It began with a bankruptcy sale in 1933, when a Republican businessman and presidential confidant reinvented himself as a newspaper publisher in the nation's capital. It ended with an announcement that his descendants had sold the newspaper to an Internet wizard who lives in the Washington on the other...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 4, 2013
NSA leaks allow Wyden chance at privacy debate
It was one of the strangest personal crusades on Capitol Hill: For years, Sen. Ron Wyden said he was worried that intelligence agencies were violating Americans' privacy.
Japan Times
Jul 17, 2013
Magician conjures up disaster plan for rabbit
This summer, Marty the Magician got a letter from the U.S. government. It began with six ominous words: "Dear Members of Our Regulated Community . . ."
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2013
Boehner 'soft' approach boon, bane
When someone crosses John Boehner, he or she can expect a couple of reactions from the House speaker. Sometimes it is a thwack on the back and a disapproving shake of his head, quickly followed by a begrudging smile to indicate that all is forgiven. Sometimes it is a fake yell and then a shrug. One recalcitrant...
WORLD / Politics
May 27, 2013
U.S. military's camouflage conundrum defies logic
In 2002, the U.S. military had just two kinds of camouflage uniform. One was green, for the woods. The other was brown, for the desert. Then things got strange.
Japan Times
Apr 17, 2013
Bystanders ran toward the smoke, not from it
When the bombs went off on Boston's Boylston Street, bystanders ran toward the smoke, realizing the dangers but hoping to save lives.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 12, 2013
'Nutty' U.S. researcher champions oddball science
Patricia Brennan received $384,949 from the U.S. government to study duck genitalia. Last month, that made her a national joke. Now, it's made her a little bit of a folk hero.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Apr 3, 2013
As U.S. wallows in debt, bright ideas to save country billions go to waste
After President Barack Obama set up a national online suggestion box in 2009 asking federal workers for new ways to cut the budget, 86,000 ideas came in. Some, inevitably, were a little odd.


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