


Delilah Romasanta
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
May 24, 2013
Asian Queer Film Festival to feature works from South Korea, Cambodia
The LGBT community in Tokyo is hard at work. Not even a month after the Rainbow Pride parade, the biennial Asian Queer Film Festival is set to grace the Cinemart Roppongi this weekend.
Japan Times
May 23, 2013
'Dreams as Seen in Modern Western Paintings'
Yasuo Kono, a businessman with an interest in art and music, had an eye for acquiring Western-style art. His collection is renowned throughout Japan and has been praised by many for its impressive number of musically inspired modern works. This exhibition showcases 200 paintings from Kono's collection....
Japan Times
May 23, 2013
'Kosometsuke and Shonzui: The Blue and White Tea Ceramics of Japanese Admiration'
Tea ceramics have long been a symbol of traditional Asian art. The ko-sometsuke and shonzui styles, or Chinese blue-and-white tea ceramics popular at the end of the Ming period were often used in Japan for a tea ceremony known as wabi-cha.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 17, 2013
Circle '13 music event features Shutoku Mukai, Clammbon by the sea
There's something to be said about watching a concert outside. The music fills the air and the feeling of summer becomes liberating. This weekend, people in Fukuoka are going to get a headstart on feeling that vibe.
Japan Times
May 16, 2013
'The Flowering of Edo Period Painting: Japanese Masterworks from the Feinberg Collection'
During a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in the 1970s, Robert Feinberg, a chemist and businessman from Maryland, found himself admiring an Edo Period (1603-1867) painting.
Japan Times
May 16, 2013
'The Shibakawa Collection: Tribute to a Patron of Aoki Shigeru, Kishida Ryusei and Others'
During the late1800s, westernization in Japan brought about a new art style — yōga, for which Japanese artists emulated western conventions and techniques, inspired in particular by European painters.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 10, 2013
African culture takes center stage ahead of international conference
If you missed the African Festival last month, head over to Yokohama this weekend to take part in Africa Festa.
Japan Times
May 9, 2013
'1968: Japanese Photography'
The late 1960s was an important period for the development of Japanese photography, which helped pictorialise and document the era's significant political and social changes.
Japan Times
May 9, 2013
'World Architecture School Harvard GSD Platform 5'
Though largely revered for its law school, Harvard University offers students of many fields an Ivy League education that has attracted top students from all over the world. In architecture, the Harvard Graduate School of Design provides unparalleled teaching, which has resulted in an impressive alumni...
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
May 3, 2013
End Golden Week with Cinco de Mayo party
The timing of this year's Golden Week holidays doesn't allow many people to travel far. You can, however, get a taste of Latin America if you head down to Yoyogi Park.
May 2, 2013
'The Lady and the Unicorn'
Widely considered one of the greatest artworks of the European Middle Ages, "The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries have only once before been lent out of France by the Musée de Cluny in Paris. This summer, the work goes overseas for the first time since 1973 to come to The National Art Center, Tokyo....
Japan Times
May 2, 2013
'Shigeru Kashima Collection: Barbier et Laboureur and Art Deco Illustration'
Art Deco is often associated with architecture and design products, but it was equally influential in the field of visual arts. This exhibition presents the illustrations of artists George Barbier and Jean-Emile Laboureur, with 120 prints from the collection of scholar of French literature, Shigeru Kashima....
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Apr 26, 2013
Tokyo's LGBT community celebrates love with a party
The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is already prepping for this year's Tokyo Rainbow Pride (TRP).
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2013
'All You Need Is Love: From Chagall to Kusama and Hatsune Miku'
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Mori Art Museum has chosen as a topic one of the most mysterious and desired experiences on Earth: Love.
Apr 25, 2013
'Antonio López'
Spanish artist Antonio López is renowned for the tediously slow pace of his creative process, sometimes touching up works 10 years after starting them.
Events / Events In Tokyo
Apr 19, 2013
School's family festival promises to be a multicultural smorgasbord
People from all around the world flock to Tokyo looking for excitement. As a result, Tokyo is home to many ethnicities and walks of life. Celebrate that diversity on April 20 at the International School of the Sacred Heart's Family Festival.
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Apr 18, 2013
"Yoshifumi Nakamura: Come on-a My Hut!"
From ornate, Victorian-style mansions to humble wooden cottages, people's preferences for where they live differ greatly. This poses the question: What is a house? Architect artist Yoshifumi Nakamura has come to believe the hut is the perfect house.
Japan Times
Apr 18, 2013
"Mono no Aware and Japanese Beauty"
Traditional Japanese art has long shaped outsider's perception of Japanese culture. The precise, yet seemingly fluid lines create a feeling of serenity and wisdom that is very reflective of the Japanese culture. From April 17 to June 16, the Suntory Museum of Art will play host to such meaningful artworks....
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Apr 12, 2013
Tokyo to get a blast of green at Flower Dream
In most of the country, flowers are blooming and spring is well under way. Residents in the concrete jungle that is Tokyo, however, may not get to see many blossoms on their commutes. But this weekend they can make up for it in a big way.
Japan Times
Apr 11, 2013
"Konosuke Matsushita and Japanese Traditional Art Crafts"
Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita valued the traditional tea ceremony because he thought it cultivated modesty. Overall, he was passionate about Japanese traditional-art crafts and an avid supporter of their practice.


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