


Tomoo Nishikawa
Jun 18, 2001
State can be valuable captain in privatized firms
Despite Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's claims that privatization is a concept undergoing a rethink and should be considered carefully before implementation, the truth is privatization has been thriving for some time abroad.
May 28, 2001
A successful model for privatizing Japan's special-purpose entities
In revitalizing the Japanese economy with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the helm, Japan should look to France as a model for privatizing its special-purpose entities in light of years of debate and analysis that have resulted in little action.
May 14, 2001
Koizumi's chance to change privileged corporate entities
Now that Mr. Junichiro Koizumi has been elected Prime Minister on his campaign to "Change Japan," one issue that should not be overlooked is how Japan approaches its government-run special corporate entities, or "SPEs."
Apr 23, 2001
Seven rules for privatizing government assets
When approaching a major decision relating to new laws or measures, leaders should give careful consideration to existing examples of efforts by other countries to solve the same underlying issues and their subsequent success or failure.
Apr 2, 2001
Japan's new era of reconstruction: changing an outdated government
Perhaps you may wonder why as of Jan. 6 the Okurasho (Finance Ministry) is being called the Zaimusho and why various changes are being made within this administrative bureau.
Mar 26, 2001
New global financial products require careful tax treatment
During my time as a Diet member, I often raised the importance of using the Advanced Ruling System.
Mar 5, 2001
More tax advice offered on Advanced Ruling System
If an investor or a financial institution has questions regarding how a new financial product will fare in terms of taxation, it can prepare a questionnaire for the NTA, which will respond with information on tax categorization.
Feb 19, 2001
Toward financial transparency
Fifth in a series
Feb 19, 2001
Toward financial transparency
Fifth in a series
Feb 5, 2001
No-Action Letter System to serve as globalization bridge
Fourth in a series
Jan 22, 2001
FSA should hire experts to enhance effectiveness of No-Action Letter system
Third in a series
Jan 8, 2001
Reply to No-Action Letter clarifies insurance rescues
The first article on the debut of the No-Action Letter system focused on why it is necessary to create a standardized, public interface through which the Financial Services Agency can promptly respond to financial institutions' questions and concerns about compliance with regulatory issues.
Dec 25, 2000
Taking a step toward transparent markets
Foreign investors and financial institutions have often criticized the Japanese financial market for being too ambiguous in its regulatory procedures and, in general, for still being a "closed" market.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows