


Isao Kubota
Nov 19, 2001
Integrated monetary policy can assist borrowers
Everybody knows the complexity of successfully managing the Japanese economy under the present circumstances. The unemployment rate is at a historical high of 5.3 percent. The economy, which grew 1.4 percent in fiscal year 1999 and 1.0 percent in 2000, will certainly decline again this fiscal year --...
Nov 19, 2001
Integrated monetary policy can assist borrowers
Everybody knows the complexity of successfully managing the Japanese economy under the present circumstances. The unemployment rate is at a historical high of 5.3 percent. The economy, which grew 1.4 percent in fiscal year 1999 and 1.0 percent in 2000, will certainly decline again this fiscal year --...
May 21, 2001
A straightforward approach to taking economic action
While one can easily suggest seemingly desirable policy measures that befit ongoing economic conditions, it is far from easy to find a desirable set of economic policy measures and implement them in a timely manner.
Apr 11, 2001
The Bank of Japan's new policy is sound
On March 19, the Bank of Japan decided that it would focus more on money supply than on interest rates and that the new policy would be continued until it was confident that the consumer price index, which has been declining continuously for over two years, was rising.
Jan 29, 2001
Time to rethink today's accepted economic principles
The beginning of a period, be it a week or a month, can spur people to reflect on the past and contemplate the future, leading them to reconsider matters long taken for granted. Thus, at the beginning of a new century, we may be justified in re-examining some of the accepted wisdom, common sense and...
Aug 28, 2000
Managing Japan's monetary policy
The Bank of Japan announced Aug. 11 that it would abandon its "zero-interest rate" policy, by which is meant that the money market interest rate at the shortest end of terms would be virtually zero.
May 29, 2000
Farmers not the only ones allowed to live off the land
On May 23, the Diet approved a series of legal changes concerning securities investment trusts, securities investment corporations and SPCs (special-purpose corporations) that will further advance securitization of real estate in this country.
Mar 6, 2000
Indulge in a refresher course on basic policy coordination
One of the privileges of being a civil servant in this country is that you can participate in important decision-making processes related to policy, even if you are a junior official.
Jan 24, 2000
A new economic theory for a new millennium
The arrival of the new millennium offers us an opportunity to consider matters from a longer term point of view. While it is impossible to predict the events of the coming 1,000 years -- pause to consider that of today's seven leading industrialized coun- tries, only Japan, France and Britain existed...


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble