


Takeshi Sato
Japan Times
Dec 30, 2003
Tokyo hopes Pyongyang, like Libya, eases nuclear posturing
Security issues concerning North Korea, including its nuclear arms program, will remain at the top of Japan's diplomatic agenda in 2004, with Tokyo hoping to see substantial progress following Libya's recent renunciation of weapons of mass destruction.
Nov 24, 1998
Jiang visit may be turning point for Sino-Japanese ties
Staff writer
Nov 9, 1998
Breakthrough unlikely at Obuchi-Yeltsin summit
Staff writer
Nov 1, 1998
Bangladesh questions Japanese aid priorities
Staff writer
Oct 14, 1998
Jamaican leader joins economic chorus
Staff writerJamaican Prime Minister Percival Patterson urged Japan on Monday to make an early economic recovery because its weakness negatively impacts not only Jamaica but the international community as a whole."The problems which have occurred in the Japanese economy extend well beyond Japan itself....
Oct 5, 1998
The Kim Visit: 'Sorry' may not be enough to bridge past
Staff writerWhen South Korean President Kim Dae Jung makes his official visit this week, Japan is expected to apologize and express remorse for its past conduct toward Koreans. But complete reconciliation between the people of the two nations may not be possible until they come to a better mutual understanding...
Sep 18, 1998
North Korea launch was aimed at U.S. negotiators, expert claims
Staff writer
Jul 24, 1998
Foreign Ministry pleased with Obuchi's selection
Staff writer
Jun 25, 1998
Election Equation: Debate urged on behalf of the weak
Eighth in a series
Jun 5, 1998
St. Lucia welcomes aid, visitors, Japanese seat on UNSC
Staff writer
May 11, 1998
Territorial row needs thorough focus, Gaidar says
Stafff writer
Apr 14, 1998
Russia turmoil mars Yeltsin treaty quest
First of two parts
Jan 2, 1998
Tokyo, Pyongyang bending to renew ties
Staff writerPositive developments have been emerging between Japan and North Korea in their efforts to resume negotiations aimed at establishing diplomatic ties, but a bumpy road still lies ahead, partly because of the deterioration of the South Korean economy.A resumption of full-scale normalization...
Nov 6, 1997
Tokyo, Pyongyang in wary thaw
The homecoming of Japanese wives living in North Korea is imminent. However, this event alone is not expected to lead to an immediate resumption of negotiations on normalizing bilateral diplomatic ties.
Sep 12, 1997
IAEA chief seeks more from Pyongyang
Staff writer
Sep 12, 1997
Obuchi seeks consensus on North Korea food aid
Staff writer
Sep 3, 1997
Free passage for Korean wives seen as economic issue
Staff writer


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly