


Hisane Masaki
Apr 27, 2001
North Korea seeks 4 billion yen for its atomic bomb survivors
North Korea has asked Japan for 4 billion yen in compensation for victims of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, government sources said Wednesday.
Apr 24, 2001
Japan in quandary over Iran rail project
After several years of warming and rapidly advancing relations, Japan and Iran may be at a crossroads once again.
Apr 24, 2001
Latest threat to G-8: sea sickness
Italy is offering an unspecified number of passenger ships to accommodate world leaders during a forthcoming summit in the port city of Genoa -- as shelter from antiglobalization demonstrators.
Apr 24, 2001
Japan loses bid to oversee U.N. talks on arms control
In the runup to a key international arms-control conference in New York in July, Japan has already missed one of its primary targets -- securing the post of chairman for its senior arms-control expert.
Apr 15, 2001
Japan may help fund effort to save Afghan artifacts
The Japanese government is considering contributing funds to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's plan to preserve remaining valuable cultural assets in Afghanistan.
Apr 15, 2001
Japan plans meeting on reform of UNSC
Japan will call for a special ministerial meeting to be held at the United Nations in New York in 2003 to seek a broad consensus on reform of the U.N.'s powerful Security Council, including possibly increasing its membership, government sources said Saturday.
Apr 11, 2001
Japan supports China over U.S. ahead of APEC summit
Japan is opening cover fire to help China defeat the United States. It's not a real battle, off course. It's a trade skirmish being fought at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
Apr 6, 2001
A springtime dilemma
It has become an annual event. At about the same time that the cherry blossoms in Tokyo are at their peak, Japan faces a big foreign-policy headache: how to respond to the United States-led efforts to censure China at the United Nations Human Rights Commission.
Mar 28, 2001
Japan wary about pushing U.S. on controversial Byrd law
Japan looks just like a knight throwing down the gauntlet without being fully prepared to actually fight.
Mar 28, 2001
Japan set to join 'guns for butter' aid program in Cambodia
In a fresh show of solidarity with Europe toward arms control and prevention of regional conflicts, Japan will launch its portion of a unique "guns for butter" joint project in Cambodia next month.
Mar 27, 2001
Japan stuck between Mori and a hard place on farm trade
If the world's poorest countries harbor high expectations about any fresh trade concessions from industrialized countries at a key international conference in May, Japan will probably turn out to be a real letdown.
Mar 19, 2001
Japan to push ties with Latin America
East Asia and Latin America should shore up their cooperation and exchanges across the Pacific not only in politics and economics, but also in social areas, according to a report compiled by the Japanese government.
Mar 13, 2001
Japan turns its attention to Brazil, MERCOSUR
After years of near neglect, Japan is now eager to cozy up to Brazil -- by far the largest Latin American economy.
Mar 9, 2001
CTBT signatories plan talks to accelerate ratification steps
Some 160 signatory nations to a 1996 treaty banning nuclear tests will hold ministerial-level talks at the end of September in New York to accelerate efforts toward ratification.
Mar 9, 2001
Japan reconsiders huge aid to China
Japan will no longer be as generous with its official development assistance to China because of its austere budget, according to a draft policy paper revealed to The Japan Times on Thursday.
Mar 9, 2001
Japan's history again haunts future relations
The ongoing controversy between Japan and South Korea over a new textbook for Japanese junior high schools has taken a toll on the bilateral diplomatic calendar.
Feb 25, 2001
Student diplomat corps off to U.N. in New York
Hey, come on boys and girls. The government is planning to recruit a student diplomat corps to be dispatched to U.N. headquarters in New York.
Feb 23, 2001
Japan to extend new loans to mend ties with Pakistan
Japan will provide new yen loans worth between 7 billion yen and 10 billion yen to Pakistan in a fresh bid to mend bilateral ties soured by Islamabad's nuclear tests three years ago, government sources said Thursday.
Feb 21, 2001
Cuba's foreign minister to visit in March; aid may be further away
After decades of estrangement, Japan and Cuba in recent years have warmed to each other through visits by high-level political figures. But it likely will take much longer for the sunny disposition to shine on the economic landscape.
Feb 20, 2001
WTO to approve Japan's rice tariffs as Uruguay backs down
When Japan introduced a controversial tariff scheme for its rice imports in April 1999, it was like a train departing before all passengers were on board.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties