


Hisane Masaki
Jan 10, 2002
Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul to hold unprecedented economic talks
Japan, China and South Korea will soon launch a high-level economic dialogue forum to spur trade and investment and forge closer financial relations amid a rapidly changing economic landscape.
Dec 29, 2001
Japan not head over heals for Cuba
Will Japan ever fall for Cuba?
Dec 28, 2001
WTO panel decides to hear global steel dispute in February
A major steel-trade row that has sharply pitted the United States against Japan, the European Union and nine other steel exporters is entering a new phase amid the global economic slowdown.
Dec 21, 2001
How do you say Glay in Chinese?
Charismatic rock group Glay is embarking on a mission that even the gray generation of Japanese leaders think very difficult, if not impossible: to fine-tune the country's often rocky ties with China and keep them humming along.
Dec 21, 2001
Thailand's FTA idea has bureaucrats troubled
Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's recent unexpected proposal for a free-trade agreement has Japanese policymakers tearing their hair out.
Dec 17, 2001
Japan to support intellectual property rights at last
With the Internet age advancing rapidly in Japan and elsewhere around the globe, it may seem a rather belated move -- but perhaps better late than never.
Dec 17, 2001
Special loan program in Asia may be extended
Japan may extend a special yen-loan program worth 600 billion yen beyond its planned expiration next spring to help Asian neighbors hit by a global slowdown and the economic fallout from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.
Dec 8, 2001
International transition team works out details of global AIDS fund
With a yearend target date approaching, the multibillion-dollar Global AIDS and Health Fund is taking shape through discussions among major countries and international organizations.
Dec 7, 2001
Japan set to ratify '94 treaty on Soviet energy
In a rather belated move, Japan is set to formally join a key post-Cold War international treaty calling for the liberalization of trade and investment in energy in Russia and the other former Soviet republics.
Dec 7, 2001
Treaty on deadly chemicals to go before Diet soon
The government will submit a landmark international treaty banning the production and use of the world's most toxic and harmful chemicals to the Diet for ratification early next year, government sources said Thursday.
Dec 7, 2001
Japan to go to work on its image as a looter of cultural treasures
After years of foot-dragging, Japan is taking its first significant step toward shedding its reputation as a looter of cultural assets.
Nov 23, 2001
Koizumi turns blind eye to reform of farm sector
When he roared into office in April, the maverick Junichiro Koizumi vowed to die hard in a fight against old guard forces within his own Liberal Democratic Party. His proclaimed mission was clear: to turn around the decade-long economic slump in the medium and long terms through "bold structural reforms...
Nov 23, 2001
Koizumi turns blind eye to reform of farm sector
When he roared into office in April, the maverick Junichiro Koizumi vowed to die hard in a fight against old guard forces within his own Liberal Democratic Party. His proclaimed mission was clear: to turn around the decade-long economic slump in the medium and long terms through "bold structural reforms...
Nov 19, 2001
Exchange program targets intercultural understanding
Amid growing calls for dialogue among civilizations in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in the United States, Japan is preparing to launch a unique exchange program for Islamic and other countries to help promote such a dialogue.
Nov 14, 2001
Japan, EU in sync on nuclear energy
After years of tough negotiations, Japan and the 15-nation European Union have reached a basic agreement on a landmark treaty aimed at promoting cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
Nov 13, 2001
A smoother path for economic treaties
Can a rookie Cabinet member undergo a political makeover in only five months?
Nov 7, 2001
Russian offer points to end of fishing row
The fishing dispute involving Japan, Russia and South Korea may be settled this month following a reported offer by Moscow to grant Seoul new fishing rights in waters not claimed by Tokyo.
Nov 3, 2001
Japan offers judge for Khmer Rouge trial
Japan plans to nominate Kuniji Shibahara, a professor of law at Gakushuin University, to serve as a judge at a United Nations-assisted tribunal to be set up in Cambodia to bring leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime to justice, government sources said Friday.
Nov 2, 2001
Asia powers look to new trade forum
Japan, China and South Korea will inaugurate a high-level economic dialogue forum to spur trade and investment and forge close economic relations.
Oct 27, 2001
Fence-mending over, friendship committee goes to work
Taking its cue from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's largely successful fence-mending trip to China, Japan will formally inaugurate a blue-ribbon troupe to prepare for an extravaganza commemorating the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties