


J.R. Dash
Nov 26, 2000
Warabe Aska's visions of Earth
TORONTO -- For prolific picture-book artist Warabe Aska, art always comes first and text second. "Imagination and inspiration are very important to me," he says.
LIFE / Travel
Oct 18, 2000
Toronto gets a taste of Japanese culture
TORONTO -- The Japanese and Canadian communities here in Ontario recently kicked off a six-week celebration showcasing Japanese culture and lifestyle.
Oct 13, 2000
Bringing Japan to Canadian kids
SARNIA, Ontario -- While the number of Japanese language learners and educators in Canadian schools is growing, elementary schools like Gregory A. Hogan, a Catholic institution here, are eager for teaching intern Akiko Samukawa's volunteer services.
Oct 27, 1999
Canadian educators push quality academics at the right price
Staff writer
Jun 17, 1999
Trials and triumphs of black beauty
"Black is beautiful" was one of the most culturally charged American political slogans of the 1960s. Thirty years later, former model and educator Barbara Summers proves just how true those words are in her coffee-table book titled "Skin Deep: Inside the World of Black Fashion Models."
Jun 11, 1999
Expanded SDF peacekeeping role urged
Staff writer
Jun 4, 1999
Musician spreads jazz gospel
"Jazz is my religion," said Joe Lee Wilson in a ceremony last week at the Tokyo campus of the International School of the Sacred Heart, after completing a six-week music workshop with 600 students.
May 13, 1999
U.N. police call 'koban' model key for strife-hit communities
Staff writer
Jan 29, 1999
Konishiki broadens kids' horizons with trek to Japan
A warm breeze blew into Tokyo last week and on its wings were 35 of Konishiki's Kids.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble