


Michael Birnbaum
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Sep 18, 2013
Economic disparities center stage in German poll
Germany has near record-low unemployment and a locomotive-strong economy, which leaves Frieder Beckmann with a question: Why can he only get a job that pays $2 an hour?
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Aug 20, 2013
Frugal German election contrasts sharply with U.S.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's calendar this past week looked like this: unpack from an Italian vacation, catch up with advisers and kick off a campaign with a small-town rally for an election that will be held in just five weeks.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 23, 2013
Hezbollah military wing added to EU terror list
The European Union declares the military wing of Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a move designed to put pressure on the Shiite political and militant group after years of urging from the United States and Israel.
Jul 18, 2013
Germans direct NSA ire at Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel grew up in a society where the government kept a Big Brother eye on its citizens. Now, critics say, she has assented to similar practices — this time coming from the U.S., not East Germany's fearsome secret police.
WORLD / Society
May 29, 2013
Autobahn speed limit bid rankles
For many in this car-crazy nation, the freedom to hurtle down the famed autobahn at 190 kph or more is an inalienable right.
May 12, 2013
Trendsetting U.S. craft beers pour into Germany
Almost 65 years after Allied planes flew Western supplies into blockaded Berlin, a new American import is arriving by air: craft beer.
Japan Times
Apr 2, 2013
A gentler Ottoman Empire returns to Balkans
Turkey conquered the Balkans five centuries ago. Now Turkish power is making inroads through friendlier means.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2013
Green turns black as Europe burns up cheap U.S. coal
Green-friendly Europe has a dirty secret: It is burning a lot more coal. Europe's use of the fossil fuel spiked last year after a long decline, powered by a surge of cheap U.S. coal on global markets and by the unintended consequences of ambitious climate policies that capped emissions and reduced reliance...
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2013
Armed drones stir debate in pacifist Germany
The debate over the legality of drone warfare is stretching from Capitol Hill into the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate, as Germany considers purchasing armed drones for the first time.


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