


Vanessa Thorpe
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Dec 1, 2013
Farrow courts controversy with paternity musings
For a while, Mia Farrow was a genuine housewife. In a life of bright lights and dark, dark shadows, this must surely count as one of the most unusual periods of them all: a moment of apparent stability and respectability in the late 70s and early 80s. During this time, she picked up her twin sons Matthew...
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2013
Hitler escape book's authors in plagiarism row
The notorious claim that Hitler escaped his Berlin bunker to live incognito in Argentina first gained popular currency in 1945, when Stalin spoke of it. Since then the idea has resurfaced occasionally, with alleged photographic and documentary evidence pored over by conspiracy theorists. Now the theory...
LIFE / Digital
Oct 15, 2013
As viewing habits change, Facebook, Twitter eye up a big slice of TV's future
Talk to your neighbors about their television viewing habits and you will probably find that, although the range of programmes watched is pretty narrow, the methods for receiving them vary wildly from house to house. Some people get their favorite shows via gaming consoles, some by downloading them on...
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2013
Lord Byron to Russell Brand: timeless appeal of the bad boy
When the singer Katy Perry spoke recently about her relationship with British comedian Russell Brand, not so long after their whirlwind courtship and immediately after their whirlwind divorce, she refrained from putting the boot in, despite Brand having ended the short marriage by text.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Aug 23, 2013
Pop star or avant-garde artist? Lady Gaga now wants to be the next Warhol
The message is crystal clear: do not buy Lady Gaga's latest album or download tracks because she is "over" and "no longer relevant." Many will be happy to obey, but it's not quite that simple.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2013
The Cockney hardman who is Britain's most bankable star in Hollywood
Clipped vowels, a suggestion of impeccable breeding: when it comes to Hollywood's appetite for British and Irish actors it is easy to see why producers keep shopping on these islands. It does not matter whether the stars really went to Eton, the public school sheen on Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Orlando...
Japan Times
Feb 2, 2013
Hugo, Manet unveiled Paris' poor and privileged
The iron gates of the short passageway, a stone's throw from the increasingly trendy Montorgueil district of Paris and a brief walk from the prostitutes of Saint Denis, are closed to the public these days. It was here, in what was Passage Saumon off the Rue du Bout du Monde — the end of the world road...


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties