


Zachary A. Goldfarb
WORLD / Society
Dec 11, 2013
U.S. programs make dent in poverty rate
Government programs such as food stamps and unemployment insurance have made significant progress in easing the plight of the poor in the half-century since the launch of the war on poverty, according to a major new study.
Oct 17, 2013
U.S. debt deal sets up new risks to growth
The deal reached by Congress on Wednesday to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling would avert a financial catastrophe but leave the weakened U.S. economy facing new threats.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2013
Obama, Democrats push bill to end deadlock
President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats tried Monday to break a political logjam that could threaten the U.S. economy, advancing legislation that would raise the federal debt ceiling as soon as possible.
WORLD / Politics
Oct 2, 2013
GOP disappoints big-business backers
In 2010 and again in 2012, companies on Main Street and Wall Street did just about everything they could to help Republicans win elected office in Washington.
WORLD / Science & Health / FOCUS
Sep 30, 2013
Law may lead to disparities
Half a century ago, the creation of Medicare and Medicaid was a triumph of American egalitarianism. Within a decade, the United States went from a country where 1 in 3 people lacked health insurance to a nation where just 1 in 10 went without coverage.
Sep 27, 2013
Obama draws line in sand on health law, debt ceiling
To the chagrin of many in his own party, President Barack Obama has almost always been willing to negotiate — on taxes, on spending, even on the social safety net.
Japan Times
Aug 21, 2013
Allies wage behind-the-scenes effort in Fed job push
Lawrence Summers, one of the top candidates to lead the U.S. Federal Reserve, was being beaten up, and his friends from his White House years wanted to help him.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2013
For Obama, racial progress tied to economic woes
President Barack Obama has only occasionally used his bully pulpit to confront racial inequality in the U.S., even if race inherently has been a backdrop of his tenure as the nation's first black leader.
May 1, 2013
Defense cuts proving to be a paradox for U.S. liberals
Liberals are increasingly facing a conundrum as the Pentagon experiences the deepest cuts in a generation: The significant reductions in military spending that they have long sought are also taking a huge bite out of economic growth.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 31, 2013
Obama pushes immigration reform
President Barack Obama on Tuesday put the weight of his administration behind efforts to pass legislation allowing many of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. to earn citizenship, seeking to build on a rapidly shifting political consensus around the issue.


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