


Eric Prideaux
Japan Times
Mar 5, 2008
Kamakura farmers hit food-waste plan
KAMAKURA, Kanagawa Pref. — The truck farmers market in the center of this ancient capital has been an experiment on many fronts: It is a rare no-middleman link to consumers, engaging in a communal shared rotation of stalls and offering an ever-expanding bounty to please the city's worldly palates....
Feb 27, 2008
Bangladesh's female workforce powers silent revolution
DHAKA — The women of Bangladesh are a force to be reckoned with.
Feb 16, 2008
Bangladesh tries to shake corrupt image
DHAKA — Ever since its hard-won independence from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh has struggled to shake off something just as unwelcome as foreign rule: its image as an impoverished and politically corrupt backwater.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2008
Bangladesh ready to rival Asia's mighty manufacturing hubs
CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh — Sure, the shipping distance from Japan to this sprawling industrial park might be great, and his trucks must sometimes compete with rickshaws and livestock on the crowded roads outside its walls.
Japan Times
Jan 4, 2008
Waseda grad school to groom true newshounds
There is no doubt that Japan has produced its share of top-notch journalists: noted political writer Takashi Tachibana, war photographer Ryuichi Hirokawa and videographer Kenji Nagai, who was shot dead in September while reporting close up on the unrest in Myanmar, to cite but a few.
Nov 20, 2007
World's suicide capital — tough image to shake
Japan has attained a reputation as the suicide capital of the world. A 2007 international comparison of suicide rates (per 100,000 people) by the World Health Organization ranked Japan sixth for females, at 12.8, behind Sri Lanka, South Korea and Lithuania, and 11th for males, at 35.6, well below Lithuania,...
Nov 17, 2007
Lend the children an ear
LONDON — Samuel L. Jackson, Natalie Portman and other Hollywood celebrities have joined a global campaign to raise $1 billion over 10 years in support of disadvantaged children around the world.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2007
Activists comfort dying dolphins
Opponents of Japan's annual dolphin slaughter have taken their campaign to a new level of confrontation by paddling into the bloody waters off a western killing cove to comfort animals moments before their deaths.
Oct 6, 2007
Ministry snubs meeting with foes of dolphin kill
U.S. activists waging a high-profile campaign against Japan's annual dolphin slaughter and sale of mercury-tainted dolphin meat were snubbed by government officials Friday in Tokyo when they tried to hand over a petition of protest they claim bears 50,000 signatures.
Sep 26, 2007
'Last samurai' still has support in thankful Japan
The stage may be set for former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori to be tried for human rights violations and corruption charges in Peru, but many Japanese still see him as a hero.
Sep 21, 2007
U.S. activist pushes rejection of nukes
that nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous and should never be used," said Leeper, a 59-year-old Illinois native, at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo. "We want them to make sure that they communicate that to their leaders." Leeper is particularly alarmed by the U.S. for its flirtation with mini-nukes...
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2007
All cost bets off if Big One hits nuke plant
Last of three parts
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2007
Japan's Shinto-Buddhist religious medley
Most in Japan may know Buddhism has something to do with controlling lust and anger, and is associated with funerals and graves, while Shinto involves venerating nature, and weddings. But many people have trouble making theological distinctions between the two or even telling a Buddhist temple from a...
Japan Times
Reference / Special Presentations / WITNESS TO WAR
Aug 15, 2007
Surrender spared a young, doubting kamikaze
If Masamichi Shida, 80, had known a bit more about the world back in 1942, he might never have become a kamikaze.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2007
Antiwar activist Steven L. Leeper
In a sense, it is the ultimate irony: The man appointed to oversee the memorial to victims of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 by an American B-29 aircraft is . . . an American.
Jul 26, 2007
Do faults run deeper than Tepco safety vows?
technical matters as well as the aspect of management." Right after the temblor hit, water started leaking from the spent fuel pool at the No. 6 reactor and a transformer fire started at the No. 3 reactor that burned for about two hours. Tepco eventually reported 63 problems at the complex, including...
Jun 12, 2007
Japan's green strides belie spotty record
Last month, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sought a leading role in the fight against climate change when he proposed a global initiative to halve greenhouse gas emis sions by 2050.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2007
Thinking beyond the brain
Kenichiro Mogi would be the ideal person to find sitting next to you at a dinner party, or one bleary post-sake morning over breakfast in a Japanese mountain inn.
May 18, 2007
Trail to Obara said overlooked in '92 death
Second of two parts
Japan Times
May 17, 2007
Poor police work in '92 death let Obara off hook, victim's family claims
First of two parts


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties