
 Daisuke Kikuchi


Daisuke Kikuchi
Japan Times
Oct 30, 2017
Rohingya asylum seekers face dim prospects of gaining refugee status in Japan
The plight of Rohingya Muslims has made headlines as the Myanmar military's escalating attacks against the ethnic group, often described in media reports as "one of the world's most persecuted minorities," have captured global attention.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 25, 2017
Koike says she won't resign as Kibo no To head after poor election showing
Tokyo governor says she will distance herself from national politics and leave parliamentary affairs to members who won Diet seats.
JAPAN / Politics / Decision 2017
Oct 22, 2017
Top opposition forces see contrasting fates after poll
The two opposition parties launched less than one month ago to challenge Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito coalition met contrasting fates in the general election.
JAPAN / Politics / Decision 2017
Oct 20, 2017
Campaigns focus on economy and Constitution, but nuclear disaster-hit Fukushima sees other priorities
For Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the two biggest election-defining issues of Sunday's Lower House poll are how to spend the additional revenue from the planned consumption tax hike in 2019 and how to deal with North Korea's nuclear threat. Leaders from other parties see either proposing or preventing revisions...
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 3, 2017
Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike's new party Kibo no To releases its first list of candidates
Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike's new party Kibo no To releases its first list of candidates for the Oct. 22 Lower House election, which includes 110 Democratic Party members.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2017
Tokyu unveils new tram with beckoning cat livery to mark 110th anniversary of Tamagawa Line
Tokyu Corp. on Monday unveiled a new tram painted with manekineko (beckoning cat) livery to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Tamagawa Line and promote use of the Setagaya Line to tourists.
Japan Times
Sep 24, 2017
Gundam's 20-meter replacement statue unveiled in Odaiba
Gundam's upgrade was unveiled in Tokyo's Odaiba waterfront district on Sunday, giving hope to its corporate sponsors that the giant robot statue will become a new tourist attraction ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Sep 23, 2017
Firms seeking foreign help get guidance on visas
The Justice Ministry has drafted guidelines to help companies that want to hire international students understand the types of jobs eligible for granting visas.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Sep 22, 2017
At trial, Dentsu chief admits ad giant guilty of ignoring illegal levels of overtime
In a rare one-day trial expected to result in a small fine, Dentsu President Toshihiro Yamamoto admits the powerful advertiser permitted overtime violations that killed employee Matsuri Takahashi.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2017
Number of people in Japan aged 90 and above tops 2 million for first time
The number of Japanese 90 or older stood at 2.06 million as of last week.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Sep 18, 2017
Japanese citizen group stages rally to battle hate speech on Twitter
A citizen group is standing up to discriminatory speech on Twitter, demanding that the social networking service take urgent measures to block hate speech and other abusive communication.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2017
Students taking part in annual SKIP exchange program say more Japanese need overseas work experience
To better expose Japan to global perspectives and work culture, a group of students from Keio and Stanford universities participating in an two-week exchange program said more Japanese students need to gain work experience abroad.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2017
Lawyers' group petitions ministry to improve attitudes of refugee counselors following alleged inappropriate remark
A group of lawyers claimed Tuesday that a female asylum seeker was asked inappropriate questions by a counselor during questioning earlier this year.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2017
Snapping-turtle expert in Chiba leads battle against invasive species
Takeshi Imazu's daily tasks are far from what a typical prefectural official handles.
Sep 3, 2017
It's official: Princess Mako to marry former university classmate
Princess Mako, the eldest grandchild of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, will marry a former classmate at her university, the Imperial Household Agency announced in a much-anticipated news conference Sunday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Aug 25, 2017
Despite Japan’s declining suicide rate, prevention measures still critical for people at high risk: expert
The government should plan prevention measures to help people deemed at high risk for suicide, including young people, pregnant women, mothers with newborns and overworked employees, an expert on preventive efforts said Tuesday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Aug 23, 2017
U.S. same-sex marriage advocate urges Japan to go beyond municipal certificates
In recent decades, same-sex marriage has become legal in many countries, including the United States, Canada and parts of Europe.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 21, 2017
Japan's scientists develop superthin nano sensors that may be the next big advance in wearable tech
A team of scientists has developed a superthin electronic sensor that can attach directly to human skin — technology that could be used in the fields of medicine, nursing and sports science.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2017
Japan's first Gundam Base to woo model-building fans in Odaiba
Bandai Co. is looking to tap Japan's expanding tourism market by opening a Tokyo shop dedicated to selling, building and painting plastic models of robots from its popular Gundam franchise.
Aug 16, 2017
Giant tortoise on the run no more
Two weeks after going on the lam, a giant tortoise that went missing from a zoo in Okayama Prefecture has been found safe and sound in bushes about 140 meters away from the spot where she made her getaway.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties