


Alan Goodall
May 16, 2006
Cops of the South Pacific
SYDNEY -- Australia is far from happy about becoming the unofficial, reluctant policeman of the South Pacific. The latest tally of young, politically inept countries that expect Canberra to keep the peace for them has risen to four. And that's not counting the nearest potential hot spot, Indonesia's...
Apr 12, 2006
Trade with China fuels Aussie economy
SYDNEY -- Just as Japan switched on the Australian economic miracle a generation or two ago, so China is giving it a recharge today. And the new source of the power surge promises implications for the whole Asia Pacific region.
Mar 30, 2006
Canberra-Jakarta ties sink
SYDNEY -- Fragile relations between Indonesia and Australia have taken a nosedive, again, and Canberra is concerned that any sudden venting of anger in Jakarta may wreck years of painstaking efforts at building up mutual good will. The Indonesian ambassador has been recalled from Canberra "for consultations."...
Mar 9, 2006
John Howard is still the man
SYDNEY -- Instead of the usual rancorous Canberra power-play politics, Prime Minister John Howard has lately been all smiles as guest of honor at a series of dinners across Australia.
Jan 19, 2006
Aussies tackle global warming
SYDNEY -- Amid exploding energy demand from Asia-Pacific countries, resource-rich Australia has emerged as a leader of planned energy supply and use into the foreseeable future.
Dec 25, 2005
Golden beaches bid ill will
SYDNEY -- Goodbye to the traditional Australian summer, surfing Pacific waves or lazing on golden beaches. Meet this summer's new beach sport, dodging gangs of racists trying to kill one another.
Dec 10, 2005
Hanging sparks Aussie debate
SYDNEY -- Singapore has hanged a convicted Australian drug runner and some Australians are demanding a boycott against this key trading partner. Rarely before have Australians been so upset over what they see as obsolete "Asian values."
Nov 20, 2005
Chaff rains on Aussie trade
SYDNEY -- An international scandal revealing Australia's role in the Iraq food-for-oil coverup is costing good will in Washington and could affect agricultural exports to the key Japanese market.
Nov 15, 2005
Aussies preparing for worst
SYDNEY -- Tough new antiterrorist laws will soon give troops shoot-to-kill authority when patrolling Australian streets in anticipation of a terrorist attack. But the change will come only after the Australian public has agonized over a claimed loss of civil liberties.
Oct 6, 2005
Australia gets tough on terror
SYDNEY -- Tough new laws enforcing preventive detention of suspected terrorists will soon drastically change the laid-back response that Australia has so far allowed to the growing world threat of terrorism. But even before new laws start, the wails of protests from civil-liberty groups are deafening....
Sep 3, 2005
Blunt message down under
SYDNEY -- So you live in Australia and preach terrorism? Well, get out. That's the blunt message senior Howard government ministers are telling radical Australian Muslims.
Jun 6, 2005
Getting Japan off their back
SYDNEY -- Japanese whalers are coming and there appears no way of stopping them. Worse, their harpoons are about to slaughter more of the ocean mammals than ever.
Apr 30, 2005
Howard scores big in China
SYDNEY -- You can't win 'em all. Fast-jetting Australian Prime Minister John Howard discovered that on his latest barnstorming through East Asia.
Apr 18, 2005
Howard boosts neighborly ties
SYDNEY -- A bridge between East Asia and the South Pacific has been formed. The way is open for economic and security links to be strengthened between the Asian mainland and its Southern Hemisphere neighbors.
Mar 3, 2005
Australia's rising Iraqi stake
SYDNEY -- Is Australia's decision to send troops to guard Japanese reconstruction workers in Iraq reasonable? Not if you believe Australians who are still fighting World War II or are angry at our armed presence in Iraq.
Feb 5, 2005
A yen for change in Australia
SYDNEY -- What a great Australia Day we've just celebrated. Pity it reopened that old can of worms -- whether to dump Queen Elizabeth II as Australia's head of state.
Dec 18, 2004
Aboriginal policy raises storm
SYDNEY -- Aborigines in the remote Australian Outback are going blind amid filthy conditions while white Australians luxuriate in some of the world's most sophisticated cities. It's a disaster waiting to happen, and that day looks close.
Dec 5, 2004
Canberra's free trade polka
SYDNEY -- The convening of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Australia and New Zealand at ASEAN's meeting in the Laotian capital last week was a landmark for the region's push toward greater security and economic growth. It also started a move toward a free trade area that will...
Nov 14, 2004
'Dirty bomb' threat rising
SYDNEY -- The day terrorists start blackmailing democratic governments with homemade "dirty bombs" is closer than people think. World leaders must act now to prevent such a demonstrable nuclear catastrophe.
Sep 24, 2004
Bets off on Australian election
SYDNEY -- The long reign of Prime Minister John Howard is coming to an end if the latest pre-election opinion polls are any guide. But who believes polls? Certainly nobody caught up in a new round of election frenzy suddenly sweeping Australia.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties