


Raphael Hadas-Lebel
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2018
Can fake news be outlawed?
Fake news is a global problem, and it will require a global solution
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2016
The debate about debating Islam
Legitimate intellectual inquiry unfortunately always degenerates into political bickering over whether it is acceptable to criticize Islam.
May 23, 2011
France stages judicial revolution as citizens challenge legislation
A new and important acronym has entered the French political lexicon: QPC, which stands for the rather austere-sounding "Priority preliminary ruling on the question of constitutionality."
Oct 3, 2007
Heading for a French Sixth Republic?
PARIS — Nearly 50 years after the creation of the Fifth Republic by Gen. Charles de Gaulle, French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to change France's fundamental institutions. An expert council will send him its proposals by Nov. 1.
Apr 20, 2007
France's identity politics
PRAGUE -- One big surprise of the current presidential campaign in France is how "national identity" has surged to the forefront of the political debate. During the 1995 presidential campaign, the main issues were unemployment and social divisions. In 2002, the priority was security. But the three main...
Mar 7, 2007
Bans on ethnic and racial information well-founded
PARIS -- Race has always been a provocative subject when the needs of science and statistics intersect with politics. Now that debate is once again heating up in France, as the planned introduction of "ethnic statistics" has caused a fierce dispute that touches the very heart of French republicanism....
Sep 4, 2006
Morality of boss's pay can't be legislated
PARIS -- Ever since 2001, when France enacted a law requiring listed companies to reveal their executives' pay packages, newspapers have had a field day denouncing greedy bosses. Not only are fixed salaries revealed, but so are bonuses, fees for serving on boards of directors, returns on stock options,...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly