


Mark Roe
May 18, 2015
Channeling China's aspirations
America's energy and resources would be far better spent containing China's military aspirations than trying to prevent it from further engaging with the world in the economic sphere.
Jan 26, 2015
Big banks are chomping at the bit to resume riskier trading activities
The bigger U.S. banks are chomping at the bit to resume riskier trading activities including derivatives speculation, which allows banks to take on excessive risk.
Nov 28, 2014
The Federal Reserve's culture war
The U.S. Federal Reserve wants to crack down on rogue individuals to reduce illegal conduct in the banking industry.
May 9, 2013
Possible solution to Apple's cash-flow problem
It's possible that Apple's best long-term move would be to release a hefty portion of its unused cash to shareholders who would then plow it back into the economy.
Dec 26, 2012
Corporate short-termism in the fiscal cliff's shadow
Economic trends are sometimes more closely related to one another than news reports make them seem. For example, one regularly encounters reports of governments' financial troubles, like the "fiscal cliff" in the United States and the debt crisis in Europe. And much attention has been devoted, often...
Apr 23, 2012
Capitalistic consensus moved Brazil investors
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's visit to Washington earlier this month offers an occasion to consider how some once-poor countries have broken out of poverty, as Brazil has. Development institutions like the World Bank have advocated improving business law as an important way to do so. Are they...
Aug 10, 2011
A key lesson from America's first debt crisis
The West is ensnared in a debt crisis. The United States, as everyone knows, came perilously close to defaulting on Aug. 2, and Standard & Poor's downgraded U.S. debt from AAA on Aug. 5.
Apr 21, 2011
Fukushima No. 1 and derivative meltdowns
Financial commentators have likened Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear catastrophe to derivatives' role in the 2008 financial meltdown. The resemblance is clear enough: Each activity yields big benefits and carries a tiny but explosive risk. But the similarity between the two types of crisis ends...


Tokyo Koon stands at the forefront of tackling the so-called 2025 issue, also known as the “Magnetic Tape Alert.”
The race to save 20th-century history