


William Pfaff
Dec 22, 2013
U.S. wears out its welcome
The Ukraine crisis and the German-American dispute over American intelligence and NSA practices are without much doubt the beginning of the end of the American-dominated Europe we have known since the collapse of Communism.
Dec 16, 2013
Hapless qualities for which Obama will be remembered
The wars that he has not ended and the moral climate he has sustained in American government will be the remembered qualities of Barack Obama's presidency. This seems a disheartening.
Dec 6, 2013
U.S. aims to mend fences with Iran, critics notwithstanding
It's not only most Israelis, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the policy-community hawks in Washington and acolytes of AIPAC in the Congress who hate the interim nuclear agreement signed by Iran in November with the United Nations Security Council "P5-plus-one."
Dec 1, 2013
Ukraine halts NATO's bulge
Russia has real grievances against the U.S., since the promise made by George H.W. Bush to Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not be expanded to incorporate the former Warsaw Pact countries was not kept.
Nov 25, 2013
U.S. pushing new trade treaties at expense of national sovereignty
New trade treaties being pushed by the United States undermine national sovereignty.
Nov 18, 2013
NSA spying accomplishes little beyond alienating allies
The U.S. National Security Agency's spying accomplishes little beyond alienating America's allies.
Nov 11, 2013
Discredited theory grips EU
Last week the notorious "troika" representing the three major lenders to severely indebted European Union nations — officials from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank — once again descended upon Athens to consider new Greek proposals for dealing...
Sep 29, 2013
Time to end the interference
he West has suffered the delusion that a war on Muslim peoples of the Mideast would produce modernity and democracy. It is essential that the West cease its interference.
Sep 19, 2013
No place for a 'Plan B' attack
The Washington debates about the Syrian chemical weapons, and whether there is an Obama "Plan B" by which the United States may yet bomb Syria, seem deaf to what really happened last week.
Sep 5, 2013
The folly of attacking Assad
It would seem a piece of wisdom picked up on the school playground not to start a fight that you don't know how to finish.
Apr 17, 2013
Anonymous murder from a safe distance
War is war and murder is murder. The law draws the distinction. The American armed drone is a weapons system of war, not of policemen. And even if it were a police weapon (as it may, one fears, become in the future), the United States Department of Defense and the CIA are not police forces, nor has the...
Jan 3, 2012
An Enlightened Awakening?
There are only three valid reasons why the Middle East, the focus of international attention as 2012 begins, is important to the United States and the European nations. These are energy, immigration and Israel.
Jan 1, 2001
A question of hegemony
An implicit alliance has emerged in Washington since the Cold War's end between avowedly "Wilsonian" liberals, anxious to extend American influence and federate the democracies, and unilateralist neoconservative believers in U.S. power projection, who call for American world leadership, aggressively...


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan