


Doug Bandow
Apr 2, 2004
Bush bears burden of proof
WASHINGTON -- The ever nastier Washington fight between former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke and manifold Bush officials has taken on a "he said/she said" quality. It's hard to know who to believe. But having routinely undercut his credibility elsewhere, President George W. Bush should bear the...
Mar 14, 2004
Getting Beijing to mind its own business
WASHINGTON -- China routinely vilifies any comment on its political practices as unwarranted outside "interference." Yet Beijing is always ready to lecture America on its policies.
Mar 2, 2004
Requiem for American nation-building
Jan 5, 2004
Tokyo, Seoul owe more than symbolism
WASHINGTON -- Deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is in custody, but the struggle to suppress Iraqi insurgents remains. Washington needs allied help to lighten its burden. The most generous aid should come from nations that the United States has defended for decades, particularly Japan and South Korea,...
Dec 28, 2003
Making U.S. voters happier, not safer
WASHINGTON -- "The capture of Saddam Hussein has not made America safer," declared Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, and denunciations have rained down upon him. But Dean obviously was correct: "The capture of Saddam does not end" the coalition's difficulties in Iraq.
Dec 21, 2003
Kuwait shows how to tolerate Christians
KUWAIT CITY -- Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein might be in custody, but the process of building democracy in Iraq remains difficult. Kuwait offers an important model of Islamic tolerance. Like other Muslim states, Kuwait is filled with mosques. But Kuwait possesses something that many Muslim nations...
Dec 4, 2003
Ethnic cleansing on the Jordan River
WASHINGTON -- Israel can push even U.S. President George W. Bush too far. The Bush administration says it will cut $290 million of $3 billion in promised loan guarantees because Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government continues to construct settlements and a security fence in the West Bank,...
Nov 22, 2003
World must denounce anti-Semitic terror
WASHINGTON -- Istanbul sits astride the Bosphorus, a sophisticated, tolerant place that seamlessly mixes Occident and Orient. Now it has been stricken by the cancer of terrorism.
Nov 19, 2003
Freedom of choice and the ACLU don't quite go together hand in hand
WASHINGTON -- Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union, has written to ask me to become a "card-carrying member" of the ACLU. She explains: "There is no higher calling, nor greater reward, democracy can offer an individual than the opportunity to stand up for fundamental freedoms...
Oct 29, 2003
Democracy for whom?
WASHINGTON -- Although the Bush administration won formal U.N. recognition for its rule in Iraq, that diplomatic victory is likely to yield few allied troops for occupation duty. In fact, even Turkey, which agreed to dispatch 10,000 soldiers after Washington's approval of $8.5 billion in loans, is now...
Oct 20, 2003
Danger welcomes Americans abroad
JAKARTA -- "It's dangerous here for Americans," said my cab driver when I visited a few weeks ago. No question. A few blocks away sat the J.W. Marriott, its facade broken and blackened from the bombing in August. Scores of windows were blown out; mutilated blinds swayed in the wind. Wrecked autos sat...
Oct 12, 2003
Eco-radicals twist tax law to feed habits
WASHINGTON -- Corporate misbehavior remains much in the news in America. One day it is Enron; next it is the New York Stock Exchange. Big Labor, too, must routinely be called to account.
Oct 6, 2003
Industry sounds out of key in its campaign against P2P
WASHINGTON -- The recording industry seems to believe that there is no greater enemy of all that is good and wonderful than peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing technologies. Thus the Recording Industry Association of America's campaign to sue grandkids and grandparents who violate copyrights by swapping...
Sep 30, 2003
Cooperative Ukraine left out in the cold
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration continues to press for assistance from other nations in Iraq, but without notable success. Both Germany and Russia now indicate a willingness to help, but not with troops. Said Russian President Vladimir Putin in advance of his summit with his American counterpart...
Sep 17, 2003
Add eco-terrorism to list of threats faced by Americans
WASHINGTON -- In August, radical environmentalists apparently burned down an apartment complex under construction in San Diego, California.
Sep 15, 2003
Wanted: a U.S. exit strategy for Iraq
WASHINGTON -- The number of American combat deaths in the Iraq war has surpassed the number in the Persian Gulf War. Even U.S. President George W. Bush has acknowledged that the U.S. faces a "security issue in Iraq," a "massive and long-term undertaking." The conflict will soak up a large share of U.S....
Aug 30, 2003
A tax hike for God? Don't you believe it
WASHINGTON -- It has long been said that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Today religion plays that role in the United States. At least it does for Gov. Bob Riley of Alabama, who is pushing a massive tax hike in the name of God.
Aug 20, 2003
Washington must live by the limits of its responsibility
WASHINGTON -- American troops have arrived in Liberia after Liberian President Charles Taylor fled into exile. Whether these peacekeepers, and the larger African contingents to come, will bring peace in the three-sided civil war is yet uncertain. What is certain, however, is that reconstructing Liberia...
Aug 6, 2003
A threat to one is a threat to all in a nation of laws
WASHINGTON -- There is a "very real potential" that al-Qaeda will strike again on U.S. soil, warns Attorney General John Ashcroft. Which makes it even more difficult to criticize the Bush administration's efforts to combat terrorism. But while the U.S. Constitution is not a suicide pact, it also means...
Jul 19, 2003
No assault on U.S. morality
WASHINGTON -- For more than a year American politics has focused on war in Iraq. But the Supreme Court's decision voiding state antisodomy laws has inflamed the culture war in America. Conservative religious groups prophesy a moral apocalypse; Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is calling for a federal...


Akiko Trush says her experience with the neurological disorder dystonia left her feeling like she wanted to chop her own hand off.
The neurological disorder that 'kills culture'