


Alan Bergman
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2001
Falling for it hook, line and sinker
Autumn is my favorite time of year, and it's also the season for one of my favorite saltwater game fish, the hard-fighting Japanese yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). A member of the jack family, this is the best-known and most widely distributed of three very popular and closely related sport fish...
Mar 7, 2001
It's a flounder to catch but a great fish to eat
The most popular of the many species of flatfish found in Japanese waters, the olive flounder, or hirame, is a challenge to catch and a gourmet treat.
LIFE / Travel
Feb 7, 2001
Sea bass lure fishing for the urban angler
An exciting year-round sport-fishing opportunity exists literally within the shadows of Japan's largest urban area -- lure fishing for sea bass in Tokyo Bay.
LIFE / Travel
Nov 8, 2000
Catching Dolly Varden trout in Hokkaido's Churui River
After quickly catching my daily limit of pink salmon during a recent fishing trip to eastern Hokkaido's Churui River, I spent the next couple of hours pursuing smaller game, the oshorokoma, Japan's little native Dolly Varden char. This is a fish that makes up in looks and spunk what it lacks in size....
LIFE / Travel
Aug 16, 2000
Making a run for the horse mackerel
Abundant, easy to catch and good to eat: an apt description of the scrappy little Japanese horse mackerel. Records show that the fish has been a Japanese favorite since the Nara Period, over 1,000 years ago, and it still has its aficionados today. Many Japanese anglers pursue this popular fish in preference...
LIFE / Travel
Jul 26, 2000
Summertime and the offshore angling is easy
Summer is here and with it the most exciting angling adventure Japan has to offer -- catching dolphinfish. Not to be confused with the sea mammal of the same name, this is the middle-weight champion of offshore angling. These fish have power, speed and will aggressively strike lures, flies or bait. ...
LIFE / Travel
Nov 24, 1999
Lured to Katsuragawa's fishing hot spot
The morning sky looked threatening and my previous day's fishing charter had been rained out, but I still had an overwhelming urge to go out and wet a line.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows