


Michelle Lee
Apr 20, 2000
Ayurvedic delights for the face
Continuing on the topic of Ayurveda, here are some basic Ayurvedic principles for making your own simple beauty treatments. As detailed in my last column, the Ayurvedic system relies on a rather precise diagnostic system, and furthermore all diagnoses take into account the basic constitutional type of...
Apr 6, 2000
Ayurvedic beauty adventures
On a recent trip to India it quickly became apparent that many foreigners seek out all that is Ayurvedic.
LIFE / Style & Design
Mar 30, 2000
Natural beauty care is more than just sweetness and light
Continuing in our sweets-for-the-sweet mood, try the following honey and sugar baths and full-body treatments for a wakeup call to body and spirit. All of these treatments are simple, inexpensive and amazingly effective. They are also delicious. Happy sweet spring!
LIFE / Style & Design
Mar 16, 2000
Sweet indulgences without the calories
Sugar and spice and everything nice . . . this column and the next will be dedicated to all those readers with a sweet tooth. There is a virtual candy store of recipes for health and beauty which make good use of sugar and other sweets. Honey, sugar and molasses may all be put to the service of your...
LIFE / Style & Design
Feb 17, 2000
Patchouli passion in strawberry fields
The flower-child '60s keep trying to come back, and it seems now as if the renaissance is nearly successful -- at least in fashion and interior design. Movies are giving us lots of hippie influence to emulate as well. To take on a true '60s ambiance, though, you've got to do more than wear love-beads,...
LIFE / Style & Design
Feb 3, 2000
Clues to health are at your fingertips
In the West, there is a general acknowledgment that the appearance of one's nails can reflect the state of one's health, but in many Eastern medical traditions the nails are used quite directly in the diagnosis. Despite their role as protective shields for the fingertips, nails are actually more sensitive...
LIFE / Style & Design
Jan 20, 2000
Need a winter pick-me-up? Citrus splash quenches blues
Lately I've found myself sprinkling essential oil of orange here and there in the house. It seems suited to winter because something about the scent is both summery and wintery all at once.
LIFE / Style & Design
Jan 6, 2000
Ring in the new millennium with health-friendly rituals
If the new year is all about getting a fresh start, then the combination of new year, new century and new millennium offers the possibility for a fresher start than most other January renewals. Now is the time to take a close look at your life and decide what needs changing, what needs discarding and...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo