


Beth Lindsay
Dec 13, 2000
Unlocking secrets of the original Marseille Tarot
Tarot cards can be found in the game sections of toy shops, and there are hundreds of different decks. But Tarot is an ancient tradition, says tarot master Philippe Camoin, and the philosophy behind the cards is a powerful tool for awakening intelligence.
Nov 18, 2000
Loochie Brothers rock out for Amnesty
At the close of the millennium, it is a sad fact that torture continues to be carried out in over 150 countries worldwide. "Rock Against Torture," an Amnesty International benefit concert to be held Nov. 19 at What the Dickens in Ebisu, aims to raise funds for the human-rights watchdog and publicize...
Jul 29, 2000
The miracle of life awaits at the end of a long, hard road
Organ donation is not something most of us have to think much about. But for Fernando, a Peruvian with a life-threatening kidney condition residing in Tokyo, the only option that offers any hope for the future is a kidney transplant.
May 11, 2000
Breaking free from your limitations
Tapping your inner powerhouse of creativity, succeeding professionally and attaining a sense of profound peace: These are but a few of the wide range of benefits promised by the Sedona method, now being taught in Tokyo by psychotherapist Stewart Wyndham.
May 1, 2000
Realigning your life force
"One of the main reasons we are not able to operate effectively is because we do not have full access to our life force," explains healer Claudette Bouchard, whose work is to assist people in what she terms "life force recovery."
Feb 25, 2000
Origami workshops unfold hidden joys of learning
So often in our examination-dominated education systems, the excitement of learning degenerates into rote learning. Not so in Barbara Pearl's hands-on approach to learning math, where children discover how to estimate the distance of a jumping frog, measure the angles of a paper sailboat and explore...
Oct 7, 1999
'Festival of Mind' gathers healers
As we head toward the new millennium, healing is increasingly not only about the physical body, but exploring the mental, emotional and spiritual realms and their influences. This weekend, Oct. 9-10, bodyworkers, psychotherapists and spiritual healers will gather at the Tokyo Festival of Mind, Body and...
Sep 28, 1999
Amnesty International fetes the Year of Child
Amnesty will stage its annual Tokyo charity concert Oct. 3 with one of Tokyo's longest-running bands, the Howling Loochie Brothers, providing music to get people up and dancing.
Mar 25, 1999
Nurturing the inner child within us
"Emotional intelligence" is what interests Gabriele Frohlich: the connection between the brain and the heart.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly