


Stephanie Coop
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2006
Sex slave exhibition exposes darkness in East Timor
Ines de Jesus was a young girl during World War II when she was forced to become a sex slave, or "comfort woman," for Japanese troops in the then Portuguese colony of East Timor.
Dec 23, 2006
Sex slave exhibition exposes darkness in East Timor
Ines de Jesus was a young girl during World War II when she was forced to become a sex slave, or "comfort woman," for Japanese troops in the then Portuguese colony of East Timor.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2003
Facts are first casualty in U.S. march to war
WAR PLAN IRAQ: Ten Reasons Against War on Iraq, by Milan Rai. Verso, 2002, 240 pp., $15 (paper) When Richard Butler, head of the first U.N. weapons inspections team in Iraq, said in 1997 that "Truth in some cultures is kind of what you can get away with saying," he was referring to the regime of Iraqi...
Japan Times
May 15, 2002
East Timor truth commission faces arduous task
After a lifetime dedicated to fighting for a free East Timor, Jacinto Alves will finally see his country move to full independence Monday, when the United Nations' transitional administration steps aside to make way for the country's first democratically elected government.
Dec 18, 2001
Sowing the seeds of revolution
Does the end of Taliban rule mean that the people of Afghanistan can now look forward to a new era of peace and freedom? Not according to the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, who believe that unless all fundamentalist groups in the country are disarmed, a repeat of the brutality...
Jul 13, 2001
Indonesian human-rights law wide open to manipulation by military and its allies
When a law clearing the way for ad hoc courts to try human-rights violations was passed in Indonesia last November, some saw it as a sign that high-ranking military officers would finally be punished for the many abuses committed by the nation's armed forces.
Aug 30, 2000
Little reason to celebrate in East Timor
Just over a year ago, in August 1999, I was in the Baucau district of East Timor, helping to monitor the leadup to the referendum on independence as a U.N.-accredited observer with the independent International Federation for East Timor Observer Project.
Apr 27, 2000
Celebration to wash away tears
A water festival without any water may sound like a contradiction in terms, but in Tokyo that's exactly how the Myanmarese community celebrate the New Year.
Apr 20, 2000
Calligraphy with a global message
Tim Jensen confesses that the first time he saw Mitsuo Aida's calligraphy poems his immediate reaction was "I could do that!" Now Aida's greatest fan and translator of three volumes of his work into English, Jensen is not alone in his initial reaction. According to Aida's son Kazuhito, director of the...
Apr 6, 2000
Sisters doing it for themselves at any age
Seiko Kuboi stops at the end of the catwalk and poses with hand on hip, showing off her gold lame-edged jacket, long black skirt and black bolero hat. The crowd goes wild. "Whoo-hoo! Looking good! Great hat!" they scream in raucous appreciation.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly