


Richard Kelly
Jan 28, 2001
Rip'em up, tear 'em up
SAN FRANCISCO -- If you've ever had the pleasure of watching a U.S. college or pro football game on television, you'll notice one thing invariably. Just before the commercial they'll pan to a too-cute-to-be-true cheerleader.
Jan 28, 2001
Extreme cheerleading
SAN FRANCISCO -- Katie Webber, 19, has a killer smile and short bleach-blond hair. Dressed in a leopard skin tank top and blue bikini bottoms, and dancing to a routine she learned that morning, Webber sailed through the first two cuts of the Extreme Football League's (XFL) San Francisco cheerleader tryout...
Oct 15, 2000
Here she is . . . Miss Stereotype
SAN FRANCISCO -- The Miss America Pageant may aim to represent the ideal of U.S. womanhood, but it's got its problems; it's about as internally conflicted as Al Gore trying to act like respects George W. Bush's intelligence.
Oct 5, 2000
Vanity, thy name is . . . Vince?
SAN FRANCISCO -- Clairol, the staid manufacturer of women's hair dyes, tried something new this year: It went after kids.
Sep 24, 2000
Dog (paddle) days of summer in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO -- On a recent Saturday, BARK was working McCovey Cove, an inlet some 120 meters from home plate of the San Francisco Giants' new bayside ballpark.
Sep 3, 2000
Extreme Goes Mainstream
SAN FRANCISCO As Cory "Nasty" Nastazio, 22, comes off his dirt jumping practice at the 2000 X-Games site in San Francisco, he pulls up to the ESPN cameraman on his little BMX bike and the first thing he does is remove his helmet.
Jul 30, 2000
When life gets you down, litigate, litigate, litigate
SAN FRANCISCO -- There are those in the U.S. who tie up the courts with questionable lawsuits. Then there's Patricia Alice McColm.
LIFE / Digital
May 17, 2000
SAN FRANCISCO -- The Webbys may bill themselves as the antidote to the Academy Awards, but the truth is that this Internet awards gala has a severe case of Oscar envy.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly