


Sian Rees
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Nov 16, 2000
Where the schwingers swing
Do you sometimes feel a night out in Roppongi is like a scene from the hip film "Swingers"? You spend the time it takes to quaff a drink and scan the crowd in one bar before you are off to yet another in search of something elusive, somewhere indefinable.
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Nov 2, 2000
New line boosts Levi's street cred
Levi's and well-known New York graffiti artist Futura, whose rare, original artwork has been in demand since he was spraypainting trains and walls back in the '80s, have joined up to collaborate on a limited-edition, Japan-exclusive denim line.
Oct 7, 2000
Ten of the best from Australia
Australian Nicola Townsend's Nanpeidai apartment looks different from my last visit. The furniture is the same, but there is a subtle change in the atmosphere and light. Then I realize that it's the paintings. After a sell-out show of works from her native soil earlier this year, the independent curator...
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Sep 21, 2000
Cosmetic makers target tots
While wearing your school uniform is considered the ultimate in cool, it's little wonder that the next phase is a young face full of slap. Younger and younger girls in Japan are reaching for the rouge and in response cosmetic companies are deliberately targeting teeny-boppers.
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Aug 3, 2000
Dancing your way to fitness
Some medical experts claim a glass of wine is good for your heart, others believe chocolate is an excellent alternative to Prozac, but something they all tend to agree on is that adequate exercise is vital to a healthy life. However, if your idea of working out is a spot of intensive window-shopping...
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Jul 6, 2000
Art and design meet status and money
Ignore the rainy season and dream that you are sweating by the sea rather than on the subway. Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, magazines . . . You probably already protect your skin with Clarins, shield your eyes with Gucci sunglasses, flaunt your bits in a Ralph Lauren bikini, but would you shell out over...
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DEVINE
Jun 1, 2000
Armpits come out from undercover
Get your pits out for the boys. Japan's largest beauty company is hoping to launch a new trend focusing on an often ignored erogenous zone -- the armpit.
LIFE / Style & Design
Mar 30, 2000
The fun of slipsliding away
You persevered. You sweated, ignominiously landed on your backside and ignored the relentless pounding of fall after fall so that you could master the art of snow boarding. But now that you feel as cool on the slopes as you thought you looked when you first zipped up your baggy shell pants, you are helplessly...
LIFE / Style & Design
Mar 16, 2000
Want to know your fortune? Go fish
In the West you might scan your tea leaves for a peek at what the future may hold, but in Japan you are more likely to grab your chopsticks (OK, mouse) for the latest craze -- sushi fortunetelling.
Dec 30, 1999
Le Nozze de video
Toss away your Love Getty and forget the formal o-miai (arranged meeting) -- matchmaking has gone hi-tech.
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Jul 15, 1999
In the bag
Danielle Pisani-Salerno is the ultimate bag lady. At the moment her Hiroo home is bursting with handbags in endlessly different shapes and sizes that she has just produced for her new label, Virgo.
Jun 21, 1999
Fall-prone builders get air bag option
The high number of fatal falls at construction sites has prompted a firm to produce a human version of the automobile air bag.
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
May 20, 1999
Forget playing air guitar, Konami has done it again. The company that had Travolta wannabees queuing up in video arcade centers to stomp on the Dance Dance Revolution platform has launched a new game for guitar freaks everywhere.
May 1, 1999
Atlus' latest offering is just talons of fun
The company that launched Print Club stickers, which had armies of schoolgirls everywhere collecting and swapping mini-photo stickers of themselves, believes it has got its hands on another hit. Atlus Co. in Tokyo has produced a machine that does your nails.
Apr 30, 1999
Atlus' latest offering fueling fingertip fetish
Staff writer
Apr 2, 1999
First bullfight delights recruits, irks activists
Staff writer
LIFE / Style & Design / SIMPLY DIVINE
Apr 1, 1999
Pint-sized polygraph
Forget the millions of dollars spent on impeachment hearings and Kenneth Starr-type harassment.
Mar 25, 1999
Teenage visions of the coming century
Ethiopian Eta Ferahu Tarekegne Gatahun loves lasagna and wants to set a sprint record. Sassy Melissa Corlett, a Hong Kong-born Brit, has no doubts that her future will be fantastic. Eka Sriamarwati, a young Balinese trance dancer, lists a tiny hair clip as her most prized possession. And in Tokyo, Nami...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly