“Do not try to score 100 out of 100 points in your life because those are the points you earn from others, which will not make you truly happy. Only look to yourself to discover what makes you happy.” This is the message that Marraige Emichika, who was born Chika Emi but goes by Emichika, is trying to deliver through her book “Live ‘Empty-Handed’ to be Successful – 57 Hints I Got from Billionaires in Monaco,” which will be published in October.

Emichila’s book,
Emichila’s book, "Live ‘Empty-Handed’ to be Successful – 57 Hints I Got from Billionaires in Monaco," will be published in October. | PHP INSTITUTE

As a woman who experienced the tragic loss of her husband, started a new business on her own at the age of 50 and survived a critical illness, Emichika said in a recent online interview with The Japan Times that she has so much to share with women of all generations. “It doesn’t matter if you are a woman over 50 years of age. The future always starts today,” she said.