Ukraine has a long-lasting, glorious and yet tragic history in its fight for freedom. One of the literal readings of Ukraine’s national emblem — the Trident — is nothing but the emblematic word “freedom” in Ukrainian. The sacred idea of freedom, having our own independent country and being masters of our own land, has been smoldering in the hearts of all Ukrainians since the collapse of the medieval Kyiv Rus in the 13th century. The fight for freedom had its ups and downs while spilling on the pages of history both the tears from our brutal enemies’ invasions and the triumph of the spirit of free Cossacks, the blood of thousands of Ukrainian patriots and the joys of their victories paving the way to an independent Ukraine.

Few people know that the first democratic constitution in the world was crafted back in 1710 by Philip Orlik, a high-ranking Ukrainian Cossacks officer who was exiled from his homeland after the defeat of the Ukrainian-Swedish army in the Battle of Poltava a year earlier. Even fewer people are aware of the numerous national uprisings accompanying the history of Ukraine during the centuries of statelessness. And we are talking about distant history, not just the 2005 Orange Revolution and the 2014 Revolution of Dignity.

Although trapped in the “prison of the nations” — the Russian empire — suffering from enslavement, cut off from its European roots and deprived of the development of language and culture, our nation managed to preserve its identity and, with the voices of Taras Shevchenko and other national bards of Ukraine, to pass the word freedom to generations to come.

That voice was heard early in the 20th century with an attempt to establish the Ukrainian state that existed for only a short period of time. The bloody storm from Petrograd that followed the Russian communists’ invasion, including Stalin’s repressions, the Holodomor famine from 1932 to 1933, World War II and the postwar Sovietization of Ukraine, cost millions of Ukrainians their lives.

While trying to mute the Ukrainian language and execute our top artists and intellectuals – the whole of Ukrainian culture consigned to oblivion – the Russian communists strived to kill the very soul of Ukraine. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian liberation movement continued in the forms of both armed (1920s to ’50s) and nonviolent (1960s to ’80s) struggle.

The collapse of the Soviet Union gave the Ukrainian nation one more chance. The historic decision of the Ukrainian parliament on Aug. 24, 1991, to proclaim independence opened a new chapter in Ukraine’s history.

The ensuing 30 years of independence demonstrated to the world that Ukraine emerged as a state capable of affirming democratic values, defending freedom and dignity, and developing a free market economy.

But freedom is not free. On Feb. 24 Ukraine was attacked unprovoked by Russia. Therefore, on the 31st birthday of their country, millions of Ukrainians have to celebrate in trenches with weapons in hand, in cities no longer peaceful under enemy shelling, and suffering from the hardship of war as POWs or refugees.

Russia launched the war against Ukraine to stop its European integration and to punish its desire to be free, independently decide its destiny and take the path toward the European-Atlantic community. The enemy did not treat Ukrainians seriously and expected to conquer our country in just three days. But it has severely miscalculated. Already half a year in, Ukraine, its army and people are still fighting against the aggressor.

Although our men and women are brave, they would not be able to stand strong without the support of Ukraine’s friends and partners around the globe, including Japan.

Japan and its people are extending the hand of support and compassion, providing Ukraine with financial and humanitarian assistance. Unprecedented in its postwar history, Japan is also granting nonlethal military assistance to Ukraine. Japan has imposed 13 packages of severe sanctions against Russia. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese have contributed to different humanitarian funds. We are grateful to the government, the Diet, businesses and people of Japan for their valuable support to Ukraine. We invite Japan to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine as well. There will be a lot of work to do.

Make no mistake doubting that Ukraine will win this war. We will share this victory with our friends and partners. Ukraine will be reborn like a phoenix to appear to the world as a democratic, prosperous friend and partner.

This content was compiled in collaboration with the embassy. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper.

Part of the sales from this supplement will be donated to the Ukrainian Embassy.

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