The Japan Times Cube Co., Ltd. (representative director: Minako Suematsu) launched Roundtable by The Japan Times, a series of talk events that will be broadcast in Japan.

The English-language events will invite readers of The Japan Times to be guest speakers. Ross Rowbury (former representative of Edelman Japan), who has a deep knowledge of Japan and boasts a wide network both here and abroad, will sit down in the role of host with Japanese and non-Japanese to discuss their lives in Japan. Held once a month, the format of the roundtable will include time for panel discussions with the participation of the audience

For our special speaker, Rowbury will invite Jin Montesano, Chief Public Affairs and People Officer, Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director at Lixil, whose mission is to help companies and teams achieve purpose-driven transformation.

  • Date and time: Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2020
  •   10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: Talk session
  •   *Tuesday, Jan. 19, 17:30-18:30 (Pacific Standard Time)
  • 12:30 p.m.: Roundtabale
  • Location: 1) The Japan Times office (limited to 10 people)
  •   #2 TG Bld. 2-2 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  •   2) Livestreaming
  • Registration at:
  • Livestreaming participants: You will receive an URL after registration.
  • Registration fee: 1) Live attendees: 5,000 Yen
  •   2) Livestreaming participants: free of charge

Please note that due to safety reasons regarding COVID-19, the Jan. 20 edition of Roundtable by The Japan Times might be held without the participation of an audience. A final decision will be made on Jan. 15 and registered guests will be contacted if necessary.

The contents of Roundtable by The Japan Times will be published as an archive at a

later date and will be introduced in the main paper of The Japan Times and the website

of Sustainable Japan by the Japan Times.

Jin Montesano

Jin is a change-maker whose mission is to help companies and teams achieve purpose-driven transformation. Jin came to Tokyo in 2014 to build a communications function for Lixil, a Japanese company that was globalizing after a series of M&A transactions. She helped the company articulate its global sustainability strategy, including the stewardship of Sato, an innovative award-winning social enterprise tackling the challenges of global sanitation and hygiene. Today, she leads People and Culture at a rapidly transforming and already global Lixil. She was appointed to the board of directors in June 2020. Originally from Honolulu, she was educated at Columbia and Princeton universities and has previously held roles at GSK, GE and Kraft Foods in Singapore, Bangkok and Brussels.

Ross Rowbury

Ross Rowbury has observed Japan while living and working here for four decades. Commencing his career in finance in Tokyo in the early 1980s, he later moved into public relations and communications, holding senior positions at Gavin Anderson & Co. (now Kreab) and PRAP Japan. Most recently, he headed the Edelman business in Japan for 10 years until July 2020.  Ross is studying to become a kataribe (traditional storyteller) of Japanese legends while doing freelance consulting for a number of firms on their Japan business strategy. He is also visiting professor of Asian marketing at Doshisha University in Kyoto.

◾︎The Japan Times

Established in 1897, The Japan Times is Japan's largest and oldest English-language daily newspaper, providing English-language news on Japan and the world. The Japan Times is “Japan’s Window to the World,” covering politics, economics, culture, society and sports to keep the world informed about Japan and its current situation. As the largest English-language news site in Japan, we offer a variety of unique content.



The Japan Times Cube Co., Ltd.

<Press release inquiries>

Public Relations: Ms. Kumano

E-mail: [email protected]

The press release may be downloaded in PDF format