Tokyo, Feb.10, 2020 - The Japan Times, Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Representative: Takeharu Tsutsumi) is pleased to announce that the 11th Japan Spelling Bee will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2020.

Each year, the winner of The Japan Times Bee is sponsored and sent by The Japan Times to compete in the nationally-televised Scripps’ National Spelling Bee final in the U.S. The U.S. is the birthplace of the spelling bee and the winner(s) of the national U.S. final is/are invited to meet the President at the White House. It is a popular national U.S. event.

The Japan Times Bee, which was first held in 2010, is Japan’s spelling competition for students from Japanese and International schools in Japan and is fully endorsed by Scripps in the U.S.

This year, the contest is rebranded as Japan Spelling Bee and 40 schools from all around Japan will participate. Each school holds its school bee to determine its representative participant in advance.

Journalists are encouraged to attend the bee, to witness the competition and to see 8 to 15* year old school children show off their impressive spelling skills.

The 10th Japan Times Bee (March 10, 2019)
The 10th Japan Times Bee (March 10, 2019)

Winner of the 10h Japan Times Bee
Winner of the 10h Japan Times Bee

Details of the 11th Japan Spelling Bee *As of Feb. 7

Dates: Saturday, March 7, 2020, 11:00-16:00 (End time is approximate)

Venue: Josai University Tokyo Kioicho Campus, Bldg. #3

(2-3-20 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

Organizer: The Japan Times, Ltd.

Supported by: Josai University, The Embassy of The United States of America, The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, The New York Times

Sponsored by: Co.,Ltd., Costco Wholesale Japan, Ltd., Z-kai Inc., Benesse Corporation, UCC Hodlings Co., Ltd.

Participating schools: 40

Participants: *Spellers who have not reached their 15th birthday nor have not passed the 8th grade on or before Aug 31st 2019. (1 student representative from each registered school)




Application to Report on the Bee

Journalists interested in reporting on the bee should fill in the following form and return it by email or fax.

● Email: [email protected]

(Include "11th Japan Spelling Bee" in subject line)

● Fax: 03-6869-2198

Application Form

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Press-related enquiries:

The Japan Times, Ltd.

Ms. Sasaki, Corporate Affairs Management

E-mail: [email protected]

TEL: 050-3646-0123

The press release may be downloaded in PDF format