Tokyo, April 23, 2018 - The Japan Times, Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo. Representative: Takeharu Tsutsumi) will participate as a media partner at the "IWA (International Water Association, hereinafter: “IWA”) 2018 World Water Congress & Exhibition, to be held from Sept.16, 2018 in Tokyo.

At the event, countries, businesses, industries, academia, etc., which are related to water supply,sewerage and water environment fields etc., participate and share new knowledge and technology. This event is held once every two years, and this will be the first time the event is to be held in Japan.

Japan will have the opportunity to showcase its disaster resilience knowledge to the world and at the same time interact with the world through topics such as megacities, the digital economy and the diffusion of innovation. Water science, technology, practice and policy from more than 100 continents will be represented at the exhibition which will be open to the public.

It will be held at Tokyo Big Sight (Koto-ku, Tokyo) for six days from Sept. 16 to 21, 2018. It is expected that about 6,000 people in total (domestic and overseas) will participate.

● IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018 Website

With the cooperation of IWA, the Japan Times will plan and issue a special edition in print and online. As Japan’s leading English-language media representative, we will disseminate information about Japanese initiatives in the field of water technology, water and sewerage and the water environment to the world. We support the 2018 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, held for the first time in Japan.

About The Japan Times:

As the nation’s oldest English-language newspaper, with a history dating to 1897, The Japan Times is committed to providing news and analysis of the current state of events in Japan and the world through its reporting of the news about politics, business, culture, society and sports.

About IWA (International Water Association)

The IWA is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 with the goal of providing the world with a safe and stable supply of water and contributing to public health through the advancement of water treatment technology and efficient water management. It is joined by about 130 countries and its members count about 500 organizations and about 10,000 individuals.


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