Tokyo-The Japan Times, Ltd. and The New York Times Company who have issued a bundled daily English language newspaper since October 2013, known as “The Japan Times / International New York Times” will change the name of its product to “The Japan Times / The New York Times” from Oct. 12th, 2016.

The global quality of the renowned “International New York Times” will continue with the new “The New York Times International Edition.”

“The Japan Times / The New York Times” will continue to carry a diverse range of unique domestic and overseas’ editorial subject matter and will continue to strive to further enhance its content.


1. New Name“The Japan Times / The New York Times”
2. Product Make Up1 edition of The Japan Times, 1 international edition of The New York Times, edited & produced by The New York Times Company.

(2 edition bundle)

3. Issue DateMonday to Saturday

” The Japan Times On Sunday” is issued every Sunday. (tabloid)

4. Pricing¥210(Mon.-Sat.) ¥260(Sun.)
5. Monthly Subscription¥5,143

  • Regular subscribers can not only enjoy The Japan Times Digital but also gain free access to and NYTimes apps.

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