The Japan Times, Ltd. is pleased to announce that pages from any issue of its flagship newspaper published between 1897 and 2014 are now available to print out at a specially created printing terminal, “ANPURI 2,” in the popular toy and souvenir shop Hakuhinkan Toy Park in Ginza.

Using the “Otanjoubi-shimbun” (birthday newspaper)* network, this new service will provide custom-printed pages that serve as windows onto by-gone eras and make perfect gifts for birthdays and anniversaries.

The Japan Times first appeared in the “Otanjoubi-shimbun” network at the end of February, with pages available to print out at a specialist online shop and also at convenience stores located around the country. From today, tourists and shoppers can also print out pages using the “ANPURI 2” (Anniversary Newspaper Print Box) machine at Ginza’s Hakuhinkan.

* "Otanjoubi-shimbun" is a service run by Assist System Laboratory Co.,Ltd.

Details of The Japan Times “Otanjoubi-shimbun

■ ANPRUI 2 (Anniversary Newspaper Print Box)

Location: Ginza Hakuhinkan Toy Park

(1st floor, next to the main elevator )

Price/Size: 400 yen / A3

*front page or TV listings page, black and white


■Convenience stores print service

Location: 27,000 stores of nationwide networks of convenience stores (Lawson, Family mart, CircleKSunkus)

Price/Size: 500yen (front page), 800yen (front and back page) / A3 size


■”Otanjoubi-shimbun” online shop

See the full variety of customized gifts featuring newspaper pages you can order for anniversaries and special days.


*Please note that the instructions at the online shop and convenience stores are in Japanese only.

General Enquiries: Intellectual Property Management Div. The Japan Times,

Tel: +81 3 3452 7050 E-mail: [email protected]

Press Enquiries: Corporate Communications Div. The Japan Times,

Tel: +81 3 3453 5312; E-mail: [email protected]

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