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Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Nov 11, 2017

When teenage girls text like middle-aged men

On Nov. 8, the #おじさんLINE hashtag topped Japan Trending rankings on Twitter. The hashtag refers to the manner in which ojisan (middle-aged men) text other people.
Oct 13, 2003

To text or not to text

You knew it had to come. When it was reported last week that a British rehabilitation clinic had begun treating patients for an uncontrollable addiction to text messaging, it certainly sounded like a sign of the times. Or something. It was hard to be sure of the precise significance of the announcement...
Jul 9, 2006

Classical Japanese text -- what is lost and found in translation

THE TALES OF THE HEIKE, translated by Burton Watson, edited with an introduction by Haruo Shirane, glossary and bibliographies compiled by Michael Watson. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006, 216 pp., illustrated, $24.50 (cloth). The "Heike Monogatari," that famous account of the events that led...
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2023

ChatGPT maker fields tool for spotting AI-written text

The announcement came amid intense debate at schools around the world over concerns that the software can be used by students to cheat on assignments and exams.
WORLD / Politics
Jan 26, 2018

Justice Department's inspector general turns up anti-Trump FBI agents' missing text messages

The Justice Department's inspector general has recovered missing text messages from two FBI officials who sharply criticized Donald Trump, making them a flash point in the debate over the federal criminal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Sep 2, 2005

Groups against revisionist history text call campaign a success

Civic groups opposing a contentious revisionist history textbook on Thursday hailed the result of the publisher's recent survey, as well as their own, that less than 1 percent of the nation's junior high schools are likely to use the book from next April.
Aug 13, 2005

Suginami adopts contentious history text

The Suginami Ward board of education adopted a history textbook Friday that critics say distorts history and gives light treatment of Japan's wartime atrocities.
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2012

Omron smartphone app comes close to instantaneous text translations

Omron Software Co. has developed a smartphone application that translates short English, Korean and Chinese written phrases into Japanese in less than a second.
Japan Times
CULTURE / TV & Streaming
Jan 5, 2023

The etiquette guru who broke up with a boyfriend over text

Shanghai etiquette teacher Sara Jane Ho offers practical advice for a new, global world on Netflix's 'Mind Your Manners.'
Aug 8, 2001

Tokyo schools for disabled to get contentious history text

The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education voted Tuesday to use a controversial history textbook at three public schools for disabled children.
Sep 22, 2000

Full text of prime minister's speech to the Diet

Following is the full text of Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's policy speech given to the 150th Diet session Thursday.
Japan Times
May 30, 2023

Critics say pandemic treaty text is 'step backward'

Changes to the preliminary negotiating text are seen as weakening language on preventing the rampant inequality seen in access to vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nov 29, 2012

Teen drivers text far more than parents believe, study finds

Teenagers are 26 times more likely to send text messages while driving than their parents expect, based on preliminary results of a safety study by Toyota Motor Corp. and the University of Michigan.
Sep 15, 2006

Abe, LDP sued over history text approval

A group of people Thursday filed a lawsuit against Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party with the Tokyo District Court, claiming they broke the law by intervening in the approval process for a revisionist history text.
Mar 13, 2003

Abductions new cause for text revisionists

OSAKA -- A group that supports revising history textbooks to exclude or downplay atrocities committed by Japan during the first half of the 20th century is now pushing for inclusion of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals as an example of human rights abuse.
Aug 15, 2001

Teachers lash out at new text selection procedures

The selection period for textbooks to be used starting in April in elementary and junior high schools across Japan draws to a close today, but the past months saw the selection procedure draw fire along with some of the texts on view.
Apr 4, 2001

Disputed history text approved

After scores of revisions, the Education Ministry on Tuesday authorized a junior high school history textbook that has been roundly criticized by Asian countries charging that it glossed over Japan's wartime history.
Mar 6, 2001

Controversial history text under revision

The authors and publisher of a controversial junior high school history textbook being screened by the government are ready to comply with all of the revision requests made by an education ministry panel, sources close to the group said Monday.
NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson speaks during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 9, 2024

Authorities probing bigoted text messages that spread alarm across U.S.

The messages urged recipients to report to a plantation to pick cotton, an offensive reference to past enslavement of Black people in the U.S.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties