Tag - senkaku-islands



A Japan Coast Guard vessel sails near one of the disputed East China Sea islands that Japan calls the Senkakus and China calls Diaoyu, in August 2013.
Apr 28, 2024
China confronts Japanese politicians visiting near disputed East China Sea islets
The Japanese group, including former Defense Minister Tomomi Inada, was on an inspection mission organized by the city of Ishigaki, in Okinawa Prefecture.
COMMENTARY / Japan / Geoeconomic Briefing
May 10, 2022
To navigate the Senkaku Islands dispute, look to history
The COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the continuing rise of China have changed the world, but Beijing's approach to its territorial claims has also evolved.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2021
Why some in Japan are unsettled about Biden
There is a strong undercurrent of nostalgia for some of the more combative elements of the Trump administration among a swath of both Japan officialdom and the public.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2021
China’s calls for cooperation ring hollow
If the Biden administration gets the big picture — “the larger context of its foreign policy” — right, then differences with allies will be manageable.
Dec 17, 2020
Bringing the MSDF to Ishigaki Island amid China’s ramped-up territorial ambitions
Ishigaki Island voters have a keen awareness of national security needs. This is especially true in recent years as China's territorial ambitions toward the Senkaku Islands
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2020
Suga’s Senkaku Islands test
Neither side knows how the other will respond, though China currently has the upper hand given that it's just another move in its long-held strategy.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2020
Tokyo must thwart Beijing's Senkaku strategy
Japan undoubtedly faces hard choices. But accommodation with an unyielding China is simply not possible.
Aug 11, 2020
Japan’s legal response in the gray zone
China's tactics around the Senkaku Islands are even more dangerous than similar moves in the South China Sea.
Jul 27, 2020
Senkakus battle: Just a war game for now
In July 2030, China deploys civilians and military forces on one of the Senkaku Islands, declaring a no-fly, no-sail zone and threatening to use force if the perimeter is violated. Tokyo condemns Beijing and vows to defend its territory with its amphibious units — hopefully with U.S. military support....
Jun 13, 2019
The Senkaku issue as seen from the Falklands War
Are Japan's politicians are up to the test if the Senkaku Islands were seized?
Jun 12, 2019
China's Senkaku Islands ambition
China aims to establish a situation of de facto co-administration of the Senkakus as a stepping stone to vying for sole administration at some point in the future.
Apr 26, 2018
China flexes its maritime military muscle
It is up to Japan, working with allies and partners, to make it clear to decision-makers in Beijing that military force for anything but defense is a mistake.
Jan 25, 2018
Japan opens permanent exhibition on territorial disputes over Senkakus and Takeshima
A government-sponsored exhibition highlighting Japanese sovereignty over islands with disputed claims by China and South Korea opened its doors Thursday, in the Municipal Research Building located in Tokyo.
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2017
Beijing sends bombers over disputed South China Sea as part of training 'to win a potential war'
China's air force has again flown heavy bombers for a "combat air patrol" over the contested South China sea, part of what it calls "routine" flights in the strategic waterway.
Japan Times
Oct 30, 2017
China is waging a global fisheries war
Expanding China's open water fishing fleet has become an important part of national policy by the government.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows