Tag - fishing-3



Japan Times
Jul 22, 2023
In Quebec, seal hunters want public to see practice in new light
Hunters hope to rehabilitate the image of the hunt, with the support of fishers who are worried about dwindling fish stocks.
Japan Times
Jul 14, 2023
Hong Kong ban sends restaurants scrambling to replace Japanese seafood
The move comes as Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings is preparing to release more than 1 million cubic meters of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean off Japan's east coast.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2023
South Korean market tests seafood to dispel Fukushima radiation fears
Shoppers say they want policy steps by the authorities that are backed by science, rather than sensational claims aired during debates.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 6, 2023
Seafood and beauty exports at risk over Fukushima waste disposal plan
China and Hong Kong, both major importers of Japanese goods, have reiterated concerns over the plan even after the International Atomic Energy Agency said the disposal strategy is safe.
Jul 5, 2023
IAEA head meets with residents ahead of visit to wrecked Fukushima plant
Grossi will visit the wrecked plant, where he will inaugurate an IAEA office on site that will monitor the release of treated water, which is expected to take 30 to 40 years.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2023
Climate and environmental change puts 90% of marine food at risk, study says
Overproduction in the industry, which has driven the destruction of wetland habitats, has caused significant environmental damage.
Jun 11, 2023
Government seeks fishing industry's understanding over nuclear plant water release
The government aims to start releasing treated water from Fukushima power plant this summer while pledging not to dispose of it without the understanding of concerned parties.
LIFE / Food & Drink
Jun 9, 2023
Town transforms marine nuisance into local delicacy
Ainan in Ehime Prefecture has released a variety of sea urchin fed with scraps of the town's signature agricultural products of broccoli and citrus.
Jun 6, 2023
Female fishers sought amid labor shortages in Japan
The number of fishery industry people who worked at sea for 30 days or more a year totaled some 129,000 in 2021, down nearly 30% from 10 years before.
Japan Times
May 28, 2023
Japan's bigeye tuna catches in Indian Ocean to be cut by 6%
Japan's annual bigeye tuna catches in the Indian Ocean will be capped at 3,684 tons, down by 6% from the 2017-2021 average.
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2023
In Taiwan’s waters, a hunt for tiny, wriggling ‘gold’
In the 1980s and ’90s, Taiwan’s eel industry was thriving, fueled by Japan’s appetite for unagi. But those days are gone.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2023
China's Mekong dams turn Thai fishing villages into 'ghost towns'
Local fishing communities who live by the river have seen their harvest fall since China built nearly a dozen dams upstream.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional voices: Chubu
Mar 13, 2023
Traditional ama fishing in Mie in danger as diver numbers plunge
The method is practiced primarily by women and is characterized by skin-diving and a hand-catching method that prevents overfishing.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly