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Japan Times
Sep 4, 2013

Tokyo sets up English website on radiation

The metro government opens an English website offering radiation-related information — a last-ditch effort before the 2020 Olympics host is picked — to brush off the negative impact from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant mess.
Apr 5, 2011

Letting radiation leak, but never information

March 2011 has shaken Japan to the core. The earthquake, tsunami and nuclear incident in Fukushima have given the world cause to pause and reflect on the fragility and hubris of human existence. My condolences to the victims, and their families and friends.
Reader Mail
Apr 17, 2011

Unsafe radiation levels questioned

I'm curious about the math in the April 12 article "High radiation well past no-go zone: Greenpeace." It begins by describing an exposure rate of 4 microsieverts/hour, which it says amounts to 5 millisieverts/year. If that math is correct, reasonable comparisons would be a mammogram (3 millisieverts...
Japan Times
Special Supplements / Bosai Special
Mar 11, 2021

Northeast marks 10 years since devastation from 3/11 quake, tsunami and nuclear crisis

Ten years have passed since the Tohoku region was rocked by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. Reconstruction has steadily been in progress in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, the three prefectures that were most affected by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis. People have been rebuilding...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Dec 5, 2012

Pocket Geiger counter is a breath of fresh air

It's so small that it could easily be mistaken for a small pack of mints. In fact, if you actually have a packet of Frisk on you hang on to it, it'll come in handy.
Mar 14, 2014

Culture of safety can make or break nuclear power plants

On the third anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and its devastating impact on Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima nuclear power plants, we need to understand why Tohoku Electric Power Co.'s Onagawa Nuclear Power Station — which was even closer to the quake epicenter — had a drastically different fate.
Reader Mail
Jul 5, 2012

Dubious claim about cesium

Regarding the July 2 Kyodo article "Cesium found in urine of Fukushima children": Tokyo University honorary professor of food safety Hideaki Karaki is quoted as saying that "the level of cesium (from the samples) is lower than that of potassium, and it definitely has no effect on the human body."
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2011

Disaster brings out best in people, communities

"The Towering Inferno." "Deep Impact." "The Road." Hollywood's notion of how communities react to a disaster is unequivocal: People panic, societies collapse and enemies take advantage of the chaos to settle old scores.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 27, 2023

More tests show radiation levels of Fukushima seawater remain below limits

Tokyo hopes what it says is a transparent release of data will serve as a strong rebuttal to claims by Beijing that the discharge is dangerous.
The Ukedo fishing port in the town of Namie in Fukushima Prefecture in March. In 2022, Taiwan lifted most of its import restrictions on food produced in five prefectures including Fukushima.
JAPAN / Society
Jul 24, 2024

Taiwan set to lift remaining import restrictions on Japanese food

The latest measure will cover products such as mushrooms and the meat of wild animals.
An activist in Seoul protests Japan’s plan to release treated wastewater from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
PODCAST / deep dive
Sep 7, 2023

Anger at Fukushima’s wastewater; hope in its renewables

Good news and bad news out of Fukushima.
JAPAN / Explainer
Aug 24, 2023

A closer look at the Fukushima water discharge plan

The IAEA, the Japanese government and many nuclear experts say this process is safe and consistent with what other countries are doing.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks during a ministerial meeting in Tokyo on Tuesday.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 22, 2023

Japan to begin releasing treated Fukushima water Thursday

Despite fishing cooperatives' lingering worries of reputational damage, the government will go ahead with its plan.
Visitors at the Todaiji temple in Nara in June
JAPAN / Society
Aug 10, 2023

China lifts pandemic-era ban on group tours to Japan

The decision marks the first time since January 2020 that groups of Chinese tourists will be allowed to visit Japan.
The students at Mitaka Municipal No. 7 Junior High School have access to various cooling devices for when they play sports.
ENVIRONMENT / Climate change / Longform
Jul 26, 2024

Japan's extreme heat is causing a rethink of school sports

At risk of sunburns and heatstroke, principals across Japan are trying to protect students' health as well as their athletic opportunities.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties