A longform feature on Japan’s relationship to the act of sitting written by staff writer Thu-Huong Ha and published by The Japan Times, Ltd. (Chairperson, Publisher and President: Minako Suematsu) received an Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (Regional/Local), Honorable Mention award from The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) at the SOPA 2024 Awards for Editorial Excellence.

SOPA is a Hong Kong-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to pursuing excellence in journalism. Said SOPA judges of The Japan Times entry, “This contemplation on the act of sitting is extensively researched and delightful, making it a unique and engaging piece of work.”

Commented Japan Times Editor-in-Chief Takashi Yokota on SOPA’s award for the piece:

“The award is testament to Thu's eye for a story, her exhaustive reporting and outstanding writing. I remember telling her that the story was a sublime reading experience, and I'm pleased that the jury agrees.”

Said staff writer Thu-Huong Ha: “I’m thrilled to be recognized for my work on the story of sitting in Japan. It was an ambitiously broad undertaking and I’m glad that readers recognized the value in looking again and again at something we do everyday and take for granted. Sometimes you just have to change how you're sitting to find a new angle!”

Award winners were announced on June 20 during a hybrid SOPA Awards Gala livestreamed on SOPA Asia’s YouTube channel.

In celebration of the SOPA win, The Japan Times is providing free access to this article for a limited time:


Has Japan mastered sitting?

About SOPA and the SOPA 2024 Awards:

The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) is a Hong Kong-based not-for-profit organization founded in 1982 to champion freedom of the press, promote excellence in journalism and endorse best practices for all local and regional publishing platforms in the Asia Pacific region. Today, SOPA continues to work to uphold media standards and freedoms while celebrating and supporting professional journalism and publishing. The SOPA Awards for Editorial Excellence are the annual flagship awards, serving as a regional benchmark for quality, professional journalism.



About The Japan Times:

Serving as the nation’s premier English-language news source since 1897, The Japan Times provides both the local angle and a global perspective under the core values of independence and fairness. Readers now access our world-class journalism via newspaper, digital, podcast and newsletter form.


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The press release may be downloaded in PDF format