Tag - japan-times-gone-by



On March 21, 1925, a front page headline announced that the Tokyo Radio Broadcasting Bureau, the precursor to NHK, had begun operations with a communications range of 50 kilometers.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Mar 1, 2025
Japan Times 1925: Government sanctions official broadcasting station, the precursor to NHK
Japan’s first official broadcasting station began operating 100 years ago, setting a new precedent for the speed of communication and news.
The front page of The Japan Times on Feb. 21, 1925, carried news of clashes in the streets over the debate of extending voting rights to Japanese males over the age of 25.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Feb 1, 2025
Japan Times 1925: Tokyo factions ready to fight over manhood suffrage bill in Diet
Objections from the country's 1% came as Japan debated extending voting rights to all men over the age of 25.
On the first day of the 2000s, the world was relieved that the Y2K computer glitch was mostly nothing. And in Russia, Vladimir Putin came to power.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jan 1, 2025
Japan Times 2000: Japanese celebrate new year
Check out what was on the front page on Jan. 1 in 1925, 1950, 1975 and 2000.
The front page of the final Japan Times of the 1900s carried news on the crown princess as well as the Y2K computer glitch panic.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Dec 3, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Stores hit by Y2K stockpile feeding frenzy
From year-end predictions by mystics to panic from technologists, Decembers past have brought more than just year-end tidings to those reading the news.
A front page announcement for Hideki Yukawa's Nobel Prize win in the fields of physics informs readers of Japan's first-ever Nobel laureate.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Nov 4, 2024
Japan Times 1949: Yukawa wins Nobel award
Along with Japan receiving its first Nobel Prize 75 years ago, a lengthy write-up on the man who sought to kill the emperor appeared on our front pages.
A nuclear accident that took place on Sept. 30 makes the front page of The Japan Times on Oct. 1, 1999.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Oct 1, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Nuclear accident hits critical mass
A second incident 25 years ago at the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant in Ibaraki Prefecture that exposes workers to radiation causes concern and challenges.
The front page of The Japan Times on Sept. 15, 1974, reports news of a terrorism incident in Europe.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Sep 1, 2024
Japan Times 1974: 'Red Army' trio seizes embassy
Fifty years ago, a terrorism incident plays out in Europe. Meanwhile, editions of The Japan Times look back on significant anniversaries.
Though some in the country rejected their wartime associations, the Japanese government made the Hinomaru flag and "Kimigayo" anthem official 25 years ago.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Aug 1, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Flag, anthem now official
After some controversy, the Hinomaru flag was made official alongside the country's national anthem, "Kimigayo."
As the 1924 Exclusion Act came into effect in the United States, people in Japan were not happy. It would define American immigration policy for near three decades.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jul 1, 2024
Japan Times 1924: Anti-America Day observed by all Japan
Two very different views of the United States from Japan, separated by 25 years and, more importantly, a war, define this month's look back at Japanese history.
Royalty took the top image spots on the June 3, 1924, edition of The Japan Times. In addition to Japan's imperial celebrations, the paper nodded to the birthday of Britain's King George V.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jun 1, 2024
Japan Times 1924: Tokyo gaily makes merry
After having suffered from a devastating earthquake the previous year, a royal wedding brings back a celebratory mood to the capital.
The trial hearing of Masumi Hayashi, who denied killing four people and poisoning 63 at a festival by lacing a pot of curry with arsenic, was the focus of The Japan Times’ front page of May 14, 1999.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
May 1, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Hayashi admits fraud, denies curry murders
The disturbing case of the Wakayama curry killer would continue for years, resulting in the eventual execution of the woman convicted of the crime.
Hundreds lined up at the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno to catch a glimpse of the Mona Lisa, which came to Japan for a 50-day exhibition.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Apr 1, 2024
Japan Times 1974: Some troubles reported at Mona Lisa's opening
Fifty years ago, a woman made a statement on the rights of the physically disabled by splashing paint on the Mona Lisa in Tokyo.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Mar 1, 2024
Japan Times 1924: Japan nice but men dress in queer ways
A piece by women visiting Tokyo gives us a century-old take on what tourists in the 1920s thought of "weird Japan."
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Feb 1, 2024
Japan Times 1924: Rescue workers toiling to save eighteen lives
Workers are in the news when, 100 years ago, miners await a rescue and, 50 years later, unified strikes take place.
A story on the front page of The Japan Times on Jan. 4, 1924, focuses on a Tokyo attempting to recover from the Great Kanto Earthquake.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jan 1, 2024
The Japan Times 1924: Tokyo greets 1924 in hope of better things
After a year in which the capital and its surroundings experienced a catastrophic earthquake, an article highlights the resolve of the people.
The front page of The Japan Times on Christmas Eve in 1948 carries news of high-profile executions.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Dec 1, 2023
1948: Tojo and six others hanged
December reports focus on some major events from Japan's past: the 1923 earthquake, World War II and the 1970s oil shock.
The front page of The Japan Times from Nov. 13, 1948, heralds the verdicts given to Japan's war criminals.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Nov 3, 2023
Japan Times 1948: Tojo and 6 others are sentenced to hang
As sentences are handed down in 1948, two other eras deal with fallout from an earthquake and an oil shock.
American disability rights activist Helen Keller paid a visit to Japan 75 years ago this month.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Oct 2, 2023
Japan Times 1948: Helen Keller recounts impression of Japan tour
Kanto residents continued to come to terms with the violence following the previous month's earthquake, and Helen Keller pays a visit to Japan.
Sept. 7, 1998
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Sep 4, 2023
Japan Times 1923: Foreigners leave; destroyers are here
When a 7.9-magnitude earthquake hit Kanto on Sept. 1 a century ago, The Japan Times resorted to daily bulletins before returning to normal on the 17th.
An inside page of The Japan Times from 1973 carried a story about the discovery of some old Japanese chess pieces.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Aug 1, 2023
Japan Times 1973: 8 'oldest' shogi pieces found in castle's ruins
An ancient discovery and moments that mark the atomic bombings fill past August pages of Japan Times.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly