The Meteorological Agency announced Friday a significantly heightened risk of rain-induced disasters, including flooding and landslides, in Kagoshima Prefecture due to the formation of linear rain bands driven by an active seasonal rain front.

Due to the heavy rainfall, a landslide warning has been issued for the Satsuma and Osumi regions until Friday evening.

The agency's warning does not cover the prefecture's Amami Islands.

Residents in the affected regions have been urged to remain on high alert for localized landslides, flooding in low-lying areas and river overflows, and to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

In the city of Ibusuki, 418 millimeters of rain were recorded over 24 hours as of 7:20 a.m. on Friday, setting a new all-time high for the location. Some cities, towns and villages in the Satsuma and Osumi regions have also issued warnings for heavy rain.

Flood advisories have been issued for the Manose and Kaseda rivers in the Manose River system.

The agency forecasts up to 130 mm of additional rainfall in Kagoshima Prefecture until Saturday morning, with the potential for localized increases due to the linear rain bands.

The front is expected to remain stationary through Saturday, causing unstable atmospheric conditions in the region.