Ruby is still very new to ARK, but over only a matter of weeks, this calico cat has gone from looking as impassive as a rock to rolling over and asking for belly rubs whenever she can.

Though her former owner said Ruby was terribly timid and nervous, no one was prepared for just how afraid Ruby would be when she arrived at the shelter. She was petrified beyond belief, and all she could manage to do was climb straight to a high spot and stare from above at her new surroundings.

Her stoney expression never changed — until someone brought out a packet of cat treats. Ruby crept down from her perch, ever so cautiously approached the ARK staff and began to eat, her eyes wide open the entire time. Charmed by repeated indulgences and realizing that she is in no grave danger, Ruby has relaxed tremendously. Once this tricolor girl finds that special person who will adopt her, Ruby is sure to settle in, breathe easy and make a gentle, precious and very pretty companion.

If you are interested in adopting, email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 (English or Japanese) Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Animal Refuge Kansai (with offices in Kansai and Tokyo) is an NPO founded by U.K. native Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are required to undergo a screening process. Web: