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How you treat others

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Your intent

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Commenting basics

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Comments about Japan Times' moderation policies will not be displayed. The moderators’ decisions — be it the removal of comments or banning of commenters — will be final. The Japan Times will not be held responsible for any misinformation in comments, nor do the opinions contained in comments represent the views of The Japan Times. Per our site policy, your email address will be stored for administrative purposes but not shared with any third parties. For more information, see our privacy policy. The Japan Times reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time, so when in doubt, please refer back to this page. Comments will be closed on stories after a certain amount of time. If you want to comment on a story that lacks the ability to comment, let us know.
Found a mistake? Let us know here, not in the comments. Having a technical problem? Contact us here. [updated Feb 21, 2021]


Yasuyuki Yoshida stirs a brew in a fermentation tank at his brewery in Hakusan.
The quake that shook Noto's sake brewing tradition