
January 2014
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Jan 6, 2014
Common-law pairs OK'd for in vitro births
The Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology will officially approve in vitro fertilization for people in common-law marriages, relaxing a voluntary curb.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 6, 2014
Axed nationalist Gen. Tamogami seeks Tokyo governorship
An ex-top Air Self-Defense Force officer who was sacked in 2008 for his right-leaning, nationalistic views on history plans to run for the Tokyo gubernatorial election to be held Feb. 9, an employee at his office said Monday.
Jan 6, 2014
Tokyo job fair to help students from Southeast Asia
A job fair for students from Southeast Asian countries seeking employment in Japan will be held Sunday in Tokyo. Recruiters from various industries, such as manufacturing, travel, transportation and retail, will be in attendance.
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2014
'Solar girl' sheds reliance on Tepco for spartan life on the edge of the grid
It was August 2012 when Chikako Fujii had one of the most memorable conversations of her life. That moment came when a bill collector from Tokyo Electric Power Co. rang her doorbell in the west Tokyo suburb of Kunitachi and told her with finality that she had an important choice to make.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 6, 2014
Utsunomiya unveils basic policies in race to replace Tokyo's Inose
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics should not harm the environment, lawyer Kenji Utsunomiya said Monday as he threw his hat into the Tokyo gubernatorial election.
Jan 6, 2014
Citizens seek nuclear-free Shimane
Shimane Prefecture citizens seeking to enact a local ordinance that would phase out nuclear power and develop renewable energy sources have collected more than 92,000 signatures of support from registered voters, well over the minimum needed to force the governor to introduce the ordinance to the prefectural...


Jan 6, 2014
Tohoku Power to buy more U.S. coal
Tohoku Electric Power Co., the nation's third-biggest user of thermal coal, plans to increase imports from the U.S. and Canada to cut costs and to reduce its reliance on Australian supplies.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jan 6, 2014
Subaru shaking niche status with strong share gain in U.S.
Subaru, the auto unit of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., added the most U.S. market share of any foreign carmaker last year as the brand long known for quirky all-wheel-drive vehicles continued to win more mass-market fans.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 6, 2014
Arrival of 'bad inflation' trend bodes ill for Japan's rebound
Price increases are prompting Japanese shoppers to buy less mayonnaise, showing the fragility of any economic rebound unless wages keep up with living costs.


Jan 6, 2014
Attracting more tourists to Japan
If Japan is really serious about attracting 20 million tourists a year by the time of the 2020 Olympics, the nation has a lot more to do to make visitors feel more welcome.
Jan 6, 2014
No substitute for overseas travel
Whatever the reasons are for why younger Japanese aren't traveling overseas as much as the older generations, travel can be the best way for people to learn of different cultures and stem the tendency to show bias against people of different ethnic or cultural backgrounds.
Jan 6, 2014
How South Korea rides out emerging-markets turmoil
With seven of every 10 high school graduates attending a university, there is a surplus of educated people in South Korea. Estimates are that 40 percent of college graduates are redundant.
Jan 6, 2014
Abe squandering good will
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's weakening public standing doesn't bode well for the 'third arrow' of his economic plan — lower trade barriers, less regulation and a greater embrace of free-market principles.
Jan 6, 2014
Obama's Asian 'pivot' went flying off like a divot
Even in Washington-centric Washington, President Barack Obama gets the award for having the worst year in Asia. His 'pivot to Asia' looked more like a divot.
Jan 6, 2014
NSA-less costs of making life safe
Aren't there other ways of spending tens of billions of dollars that would save more lives than America's National Security Agency is credited with saving each year
Jan 6, 2014
India's sex laws contradict tradition of tolerance
It is surprising that India's Bharatiya Janata Party would privilege the social morality of Victorian England above both precolonial indigenous social practices and the constitutional morality of independent India.


Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: DESIGN
Jan 6, 2014
New furnishing for the home, plus the latest from Postalco
Postalco keeps your money safe


Japan Times
Jan 6, 2014
Retirement homes come of age in booming market
In order to address its rapidly aging society, the Japanese government has enacted a variety of measures since the start of the millennium, mostly related to the health care system. A more pressing matter is housing, since so many elderly people will be living on their own compared to the past when extended...
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2014
The empire strikes back: the top issues for non-Japanese in 2013
2013 saw the enfranchised elite consolidating their power further than has ever been seen in the postwar era, while Japan's disenfranchised peoples slipped ever lower down the totem pole, becoming targets of suspicion, fear and loathing.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly