
July 2013
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Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Jul 16, 2013
Kan sues Abe for 3/11 defamation
Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan sues Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for defamation, saying he has no grounds to accuse him of mismanaging the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 16, 2013
U.S. experts won't be drawn out on Japan P.M. shrine visit
Two prominent U.S. experts on Japan refused Tuesday to predict how the U.S. government would react if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Yasukuni Shrine next month, an act that would undoubtedly add further strain to already frayed relations with China and South Korea.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 16, 2013
Abe casts absentee vote, heads to Okinawa to stump for LDP
Ever on the stump in the run-up to Sunday's judgment day, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe cast absentee ballots for the Upper House election in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward on Tuesday before heading to Okinawa to continue his country-crossing campaigning for fellow Liberal Democratic Party candidates.
Japan Times
Jul 16, 2013
Killer octopus not seen posing threat to swimmers
Japan Times
Jul 16, 2013
Beach-storming drill in U.S. hones SDF amphibious edge
One thousand members of the Self-Defense Forces have been learning how to recapture territory in the face of enemy fire, and while the shoreline may be California's, the skills they are building could one day be used closer to home.


WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 16, 2013
Swiss study finds sound waves can be used to levitate and move small objects
Scientists have been able to use the power of sound to levitate small items — including insects and fish — for decades. But now researchers from Switzerland have figured out how to move objects around in midair, according to a new study.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jul 16, 2013
Starkly different outcomes in Florida gun cases
Two Florida towns, 200 km apart. Two people firing weapons at unarmed aggressors, purportedly in self-defense.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jul 16, 2013
Declassify Yahoo data decision: FISA court
The secret surveillance court that approved the U.S. government's broad collection of millions of Americans' telephone and email records called Monday for the White House to declassify and release as much as it can of one of the court's early legal decisions sanctioning that collection.
Jul 16, 2013
Fighting follows envoy's Cairo visit
Clashes erupted Monday on the streets of Cairo not long after a visiting U.S. diplomat hailed what he called a "second chance" for democracy after the ouster of Egypt's elected president this month.


Japan Times
Jul 16, 2013
U.K. mayor wants to close Heathrow
London Mayor Boris Johnson said he will submit plans to close the British capital's Heathrow Airport on the grounds that it's too noisy and replace it with a four-runway hub in one of three locations east or north of the city.
Japan Times
Jul 16, 2013
Red Brick Resort 2013; Cheer on Tokyo for 2020
Jul 16, 2013
Apple to look into iPhone death claim
Apple said Monday that it will investigate claims that an iPhone may have electrocuted and killed a 23-year-old woman in western China, only months after the company's warranty policies attracted the ire of Chinese media and regulatory groups.
Japan Times
Jul 16, 2013
Retailers and restaurants get slippery with unagi prices
Eel is becoming scarce in the wild, but supermarkets are still trying to keep unagi prices down.


Jul 16, 2013
Repairing ties with Beijing and Seoul
More than a half year after the inauguration of the Abe Cabinet, Japan's bilateral relations with China and South Korea remain chilly. South Korean President Park Geun-hye met with U.S. President Barack Obama in early May in Washington. Although South Korean leaders traditionally follow up such a meeting...
Jul 16, 2013
Few feeling the economic recovery
The Bank of Japan on July 11 upgraded its assessment of the Japanese economy for the seventh straight month and said that it is "starting to recover moderately" on the strength of various economic indexes turning upward, including improving business sentiment and steady consumer spending.
Jul 16, 2013
Returning to Egypt's preferable state of tyranny
Former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi knows neither Thomas Jefferson's advice that "great innovations should not be forced on slender majorities" nor the description of Martin Van Buren as a politician who "rowed to his object with muffled oars." Having won just 52 percent of the vote, Morsi pursued...
Jul 16, 2013
Of spies and whistleblowers
Edward Snowden, a former contractor to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, has been trapped in the transit lounge of Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow for the past two weeks, while the United States government strives mightily to get him back in its clutches. Recently it even arranged for the plane flying...
Jul 16, 2013
What Egypt can learn from Iraq
While arguing over the merits of continuing U.S. aid to Egypt, commentators and analysts tend to agree on two main points. First, there is a general consensus on what President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood got wrong. Second, virtually all Western observers are stressing the need for an inclusive...
Jul 16, 2013
Do unto Exxon as you would do unto yourself
Last week's resolution on climate change by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ has garnered mostly admiring attention from the news media. But I must admit to a degree of perplexity and sorrow over the document, which seems to place the blame for our heavy use of fossil fuels on the companies...
Jul 16, 2013
Inconvenient truths about Obama's health law
The White House's recent decision to delay part of its health care overhaul illustrates six truths about the law that its supporters can't easily acknowledge.
Jul 16, 2013
IMF's global forecast makes for dreary reading
The International Monetary Fund's latest global economic forecast makes for unhappy reading. You may remember that, some years back, it was fashionable to ask whether the world economy could continue "flying on one engine" — meaning the United States. America's boom and import appetite boosted other...


Jul 16, 2013
Gauging offseason moves in the NFL
In this age of overlapping pro sports seasons, the MLB All-Star Game is more than just a sign the baseball campaign has reached its halfway point.


Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Jul 16, 2013
Aquariums offer summer escape
This past Monday was Marine Day in Japan. Aside from creating a much-appreciated three-day weekend, the role of the holiday is to encourage people to reflect on the integral role the ocean plays in Japan's history. So, what better time to visit an aquarium? Japan has plenty of places to ogle fish, and...
Jul 16, 2013
Japanese adults spend crazy money on cellphone games
Over the last decade, people's behavior during their daily train ride has completely changed. In the past, Japanese were known to be avid readers of paperbacks (bunko) and manga magazines, and would do so even on Tokyo's notoriously crowded trains. Now, however, it is rare to spot someone on the train...
LIFE / Digital
Jul 16, 2013
A different metaphor for China's firewall
Two years ago, when it was discovered that a U.S. intelligence agency was pouring millions of dollars into a research project on "metaphor," some people thought it was a delayed April Fool's joke. This columnist begged to differ, on the grounds that metaphors are the way that most of us make sense of...


Wozme, founded by dancer and choreographer Wakaba Kohei, is composed of Kana Kitty, Ami Ishii, Akane Watanabe and Natsuki. Its aim is to inject elegance and beauty, traits traditionally associated with femininity, into the sometimes grotesque art form of butoh dance.
Wozme, an all-women dance troupe, wants to move the needle in butoh